November 25, 2009

Economics columnist Robert J. Samuelson finds another quirk in the Health Care bill. Already, our system of entitlements is forcing the young to subsidize the old, what with Social Security imbalances. Now comes the House-passed health-care "reform" bill that, amazingly, would extract more subsidies from

November 24, 2009

Here is a fascinating article on the influence of specific religious beliefs on economic growth. It’s too long to do justice with excerpts, so I will give you this teaser from The curious economic effects of religion – The Boston Globe: A pair of Harvard

November 24, 2009

Christian Science practitioners are trying to get spiritual healing to be paid for in the Health Care Reform bill: The calls come in at all hours: patients reporting broken bones, violent coughs, deep depression. Prue Lewis listens as they explain their symptoms. Then Lewis —

November 24, 2009

Edward Skidelsky in Prospect Magazine writes about Words that think for us . He notes a difference in our terms for moral censure: No words are more typical of our moral culture than “inappropriate” and “unacceptable.” They seem bland, gentle even, yet they carry the

November 23, 2009

. . .has to be Grace Upon Grace: Spirituality for Today by John W. Kleinig. Dr. Kleinig is an Australian theologian, Bible scholar, and Lutheran seminary professor who is one of the most illuminating teachers I have come across. Many Christians today have gotten interested

November 23, 2009

The Health Care Reform Bill passed a key procedural vote in the Senate, shutting down the possibility of a filibuster, when Democratic leaders promised a moderate Democratic holdout $300 million for her state in return for her vote. Here is how the Washington Post describes

November 23, 2009

You know those folks in blue blazers working the information desks at airports? They are volunteers for Travelers Aid, America’s oldest non-religious volunteer organization. Though they might just give directions to a restroom or to baggage claim, they also often help people in serious need.

November 20, 2009

Which is more problematic, ordaining a homosexual man or ordaining a woman? To ordain someone who sins publicly and without repentance would be a scandalous failure of discipline and Biblical fidelity on the part of the church body. And yet, there have been homosexual pastors

November 20, 2009

Have any of you seen 2012, the movie based on the notion that ancient Indian texts predicted the world will end in three years and that those ancient Indians were somehow right? I’ve actually had Christians ask me about that, if there might be anything

November 20, 2009

So if the 9/11 planners get acquitted in their trial in New York City, they will not be released? They will THEN become enemy combatants? Holder suggests acquittal won't free terrorist : Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. let stand Wednesday a claim that confessed

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