September 23, 2009

Good discussion yesterday of Dan Brown’s deadly prose. But this raises another question. Even though this writing is demonstrably, laughably, absurdly BAD, it will sell gazillions of copies. Probably more than the very good writing of our own Lars Walker, with his new novel West

September 22, 2009

We had talked about Bob Dylan’s upcoming Christmas album. Here is the album cover with snippets of each song: It’s good! Don’t you think? It’s a combination of the happy traditional sounds, plus grit. That’s a great style for the Incarnation. Proceeds from the album

September 22, 2009

At the World Congress on Families in Amsterdam, Dr. Patrick Fagan said that we are transitioning from a monogamous culture to a polyamorous culture. A sample, via Joe Carter: The defining difference between the two is the sexual ideal embraced. The traditional family of Western

September 22, 2009

Dan Brown, the author of The Da Vinci Code who thinks Christianity is a vast conspiracy and who confounds fiction with history, has just published another book, The Lost Symbol. This one, from what I gather, is about the Masons, Washington, D.C., and, of course,

September 21, 2009

Nearly everything you know about Puritans is wrong. The Thirsty Theologian quotes my friend Leland Ryken’s illuminating book on the subject, Worldly Saints:  Everywhere we turn in Puritan writing on the subject we find sex affirmed as good in principle. [William] Gouge referred to physical

September 21, 2009

That was the proposal in England, but British pro-lifers flooded the television agency with protests, stopping the measure for now, though it will come up again for consideration next year. From Christian Telegraph: When the British television advertising regulatory agency announced in March this year

September 18, 2009

Ian Adams, the communications director of the Lutheran Church in Canada, alerted me to this blog post from Allan Bevere, On Why the Church in America Cannot Speak Truth to Power: There are many political catch-phrases that have become useless in modern politics– phrases like

September 18, 2009

President Obama cancelled the planned missile shield that we had promised Poland and Czechoslovakia, capitulating to the demands of Vladimir Putin. See Dismay in Europe as Obama ditches missile defence – Times Online . The decision was relayed to the governments of the Czech Republic

September 18, 2009

Ambrose Bierce was a late 19th, early 20th century American satirist who penned The Devil’s Dictionary (1906), a word book of supreme cynicism but with some very funny definitions. A sample: SELF-ESTEEM, n. An erroneous appraisement. SELF-EVIDENT, adj. Evident to one’s self and to nobody

September 17, 2009

As we argue about marriage, gay marriage, and issues about marriage, some people are already taking the next step: let’s just get rid of marriage altogether. So writes Australian columnist Catherine Deveny: I AM against gay marriage. I’m against straight marriage. I’m against marriage full

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