August 24, 2009

Buried in the Washington Post is this small item: Poll: 51% Say They Are Pro-Life: A Gallup poll found for the first time that a majority of Americans identify themselves as pro-life. A May survey, just released, asked the question: With respect to the abortion

August 21, 2009

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America in convention went for the trifecta in affirming homosexuality. The liberal Lutherans ruled that homosexual sex is moral, allowed churches to bless gay unions, and allowed non-celibate gays to be pastors. In each case, the approval applies only to

August 21, 2009

Reflections on my great tomato ideological experiment that I blogged about earlier, in which I compared my garden experience with a heritage tomato (representing crunchy, traditionalist conservatism) to a hybrid tomato (representing progressive, free market conservatism). . . . Both tomatoes fulfilled their nature. The

August 21, 2009

Here is what the Washington Nationals have in Stephen Strasburg, the pitching prodigy they drafted and managed to sign at great expense: Strasburg has put the Nats squarely on baseball’s map, on the list of can’t-miss attractions in the game that must be seen. Does

August 21, 2009

If you see a suspicious looking old man wandering around your neighborhood in a hooded coat, late at night and in the rain, it might be Bob Dylan. He’s been doing that sort of thing lately, and people have been calling the cops on him.

August 20, 2009

Yesterday’s post about Whole Foods C.E.O. John Mackey’s ideas for free-enterprise-based health care reform spurred a lot of discussion here. But much of it was about the appropriateness of boycotts and other issues. I would like to hear what you think of one aspect of

August 20, 2009

Were there no gospel-believing Christians under medieval Catholicism? Do conservative Lutherans think they alone are right with God? Well, consider what Missouri Synod founder C. F. W. Walther said about St. Bernard of Clairvaux (as quoted by Paul McCain at Cyberbrethren: “St. Bernard, the famous

August 20, 2009

An Oklahoma court has thrown out a state law requiring women to see the ultrasound picture of their babies before getting an abortion. Pro-choicers and pro-lifers agree that ultrasounds result in fewer abortions, so the former decry the practice while the latter are all for

August 20, 2009

Both advocates and critics of a government-run “single payer” system look to the example of Great Britain’s nationalized health care. Here British journalist Mike McNally offers a revealingly balanced view: The British system is not nearly as bad as has been suggested by opponents of

August 19, 2009

Here are some ideas for health care reform from John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods markets: • Remove the legal obstacles that slow the creation of high-deductible health insurance plans and health savings accounts (HSAs). The combination of high-deductible health insurance and HSAs is one

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