November 21, 2008

A major intelligence study projects the decline of America and the rise of India and China as world leaders: U.S. economic and political clout will decline over the next two decades and the world will be more dangerous, with food and water scarce and advanced

November 21, 2008

Anthony Sacramone, who once channeled “Luther at the Movies,” is blogging again at Strange Herring. Bookmark it and check it every chance you get for Lutheran insight and Lutheran humor. (No, the latter is not an oxymoron. Far from it. It’s a kind of a

November 20, 2008

I predicted this would happen. Erstwhile conservative columnist Kathleen Parker is saying that the Republican defeat and its continuing hopeless prospects are due to religious voters. From Giving Up on God – As Republicans sort out the reasons for their defeat, they likely will

November 20, 2008

Terry Mattingly criticizes the Washington Post story posted below. He denies that any pro-lifers are opposing helping women so that they keep their babies. Approving E. J. Dionne’s column that we blogged about recently, Mattingly points to another issue: Now something huge is missing [from

November 20, 2008

From Some Abortion Foes Shifting Focus From Ban to Reduction – Frustrated by the failure to overturn Roe v. Wade, a growing number of antiabortion pastors, conservative academics and activists are setting aside efforts to outlaw abortion and instead are focusing on building social

November 19, 2008

Used to, if you asked someone what church he goes to, you would get one answer. I just encountered someone who is a Catholic but who also sometimes attends a non-denominational church and also a Baptist church. I had heard of this phenomenon but hadn’t

November 19, 2008

From Last-minute Bush abortion ruling causes furor : A last-minute Bush administration plan to grant sweeping new protections to health care providers who oppose abortion and other procedures on religious or moral grounds has provoked a torrent of objections, including a strenuous protest from the

November 19, 2008

George F. Will says that what with all of our government subsidies, earmarks, social welfare programs, and other policies–including those supported by Republicans–we are already pretty much a socialist country. In his column, he makes some trenchant observations about where we are heading: The distribution

November 19, 2008

Pirates are plundering the sea lanes practically at will, and world governments are saying they can’t do anything about it: Somali pirates struck again yesterday, seizing an Iranian cargo ship holding 30,000 tonnes of grain, as the world’s governments and navies pronounced themselves powerless against

November 18, 2008

Michael Gerson urges Barack Obama not to touch three explosive issues that could blow up in his face, stirring up big controversies that would thwart all these good feelings and his desire to unify the country. Many of his supporters, though, want him to go

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