November 27, 2008

Have a grateful Thanksgiving! Usually, this blog takes major holidays off, but I am feeling unusually thankful this year and I have to express it. Our whole family is here. This is the FIRST time the clan with all of its members is all in

November 27, 2008

The negative reviews of the movie “Australia” are right. It is corny, idealized, and way over the top. But the positive reviews are also right. It is epic, shows magnificent scenery well photographed, and communicates some fascinating history. Even the negative reviews concede that it

November 27, 2008

that, judged from his actions as president elect and his appointments, that he may not be the radical leftist I feared him to be. I’m thankful that he is setting aside many of his campaign promises. That he is going to keep the Bush tax

November 27, 2008

Remember the part of the doctrine of vocation that stresses how God is present in vocation. That means that when people serve us, in the course of everyday life and everyday economics, God is serving us through them. We should be grateful to those–in farms

November 27, 2008

I think philosophers should work out an argument for the existence of God based on thankfulness: that the feeling of gratitude for existence implies that there is Someone to feel grateful to. One problem may be that many people today do NOT feel grateful for

November 26, 2008

A federal district court ruled that government officials in a government context can legally pray in the name of Jesus. Judge Richard Story, referring to the county situation at issue, made a useful distinction: To be sure, many of these speakers, in offering their invocations,

November 26, 2008

Respected Russian policial analyst Igor Panarin is predicting not only that America’s economy will completely collapse but that the USA will split up into separate countries: Asked why he expected the U.S. to break up into separate parts, he said: “A whole range of reasons.

November 26, 2008

Arch-satirist Stephen Colbert turns out to be a practicing, mostly-believing Catholic, as this blog chronicles: In an interview with Time Out Magazine, he responded to a question about This Week in God: “How do you square your Catholicism with comedy?” I love my Church, and

November 26, 2008

In the dentist’s office, I came across this from BusinessWeek: Thousands of subprime mortgage lenders and brokers—many of them the very sorts of firms that helped create the current financial crisis—are going strong. Their new strategy: taking advantage of a long-standing federal program designed to

November 25, 2008

The Washington Post magazine has a telling feature about doctors who do not want to commit abortion, but feel constrained to do so anyway because of their pro-choice ideology. From A Hard Choice: A young medical student tries to decide if she has what it

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