December 5, 2008

I am teaching a film class, and last night I showed my students The Decalogue by Polish director Krzysztof Kieślowski. It was made in 1988, when Poland was still under Soviet Communism, a year before independence. “The Decalogue” consists of ten one-hour films, one for

December 5, 2008

A study has found that happiness really is contagious. Unhappiness is not. I’m tempted to make fun of the study, but I won’t. It does illustrate in yet another way that God designed us to need other people and so why Christians need to be

December 4, 2008

Various conservative Episcopalians have come together to form a new Anglican church body, one that will vie with the Episcopal Church in America as the true representative of this country in the world Anglican communion: Conservative Anglican leaders unveiled on Wednesday the constitution and laws

December 4, 2008

Every cloud has a silver lining, including our economic woes. Consider these facts: (1)Couples are staying together because they can’t afford to get a divorce. (2) Gasoline prices, which we were so bent out of shape about a few months ago, are plummeting. (3) Housing

December 4, 2008

Reader and commenter Scylding has pointed out that political pandemonium is breaking out in his homeland of Canada, but those of us in the lower 48 states are not even noticing. He makes a good point, since what is happening up north is of great

December 3, 2008

Newsweek has a sobering article about websites that support young women with anorexia, to the point of encouraging it: A Web page labeled “Ana Boot Camp” recently offered its members a seemingly irresistible proposition: a 30-day regimen designed to help them drop some serious pounds,

December 3, 2008

Michael Gerson is impressed with Obama’s centrist appointments, seeing in them signs of true statesmanship. He then says that they also reveal some things about the current president: Obama’s appointments reveal something important about current Bush policies. Though Obama’s campaign savaged the administration as incompetent

December 3, 2008

From Anne Rice goes from vampires to Jesus biographer: “Her memoir, ‘Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession,’ is the latest piece of evidence that Rice is reinventing herself in an attempt to build a reputation as a serious Christian writer.” I read her first

December 3, 2008

Read Iowahawk’s reconstruction of the letters that now Treasury Secretary Paulson must have written home when he was a kid at summer camp. Here, it is alleged, he learned his method of saving our economy. Also, read P.J. O’Rourke pleading for a bailout of print

December 2, 2008

A new study reveals the extent to which high school students are lying, stealing, and cheating. Overall, 30 percent of students admitted to stealing from a store within the past year, a two percent rise from 2006. More than one third of boys (35 percent)

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