The Purloined Boy is Here!

The Purloined Boy is Here! December 4, 2017


Well, lookie what came in the mail!

My young adult fantasy series has just had a re-boot, I’m happy to say. Canonball Books has just released the first book. They’ve told me they are hard at work on editing book two (I’m sure my long suffering readers are glad to hear that.)

Here’s a fun Youtube video of the books arriving at the warehouse.

One of the great things about the re-release of the first book is you can get it in hardback. You can only do that directly through Canonball Books, though. Here’s the link for that. (Having the hardback in my possession, I can tell you it is worth the trouble of setting up an account at Canon Press.)

51lMIsSpTWL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_If you insist on using Amazon, a “perfect” paperback version is available beginning December 5th. (A perfect paperback is essentially the hardback in a paperback form.) Here’s the link to the Amazon page.

When it comes to whether or not you should get the new edition or buy one of the earlier editions used, there is really no contest. The new version has been re-edited, and the new format is larger and makes for a much more pleasant reading experience.

In the near future I’ll be appearing for readings and book signings here in New England. I’ll be sure to post evidence here of my travels.

If you’d like to have me come to your school, bookstore, or local library to perform a reading and conduct a book-signing, my contact page at is the best way to reach me for that. Here’s the link:

Obviously, I think The Purloined Boy would make a great Christmas gift for the young person (or adult) reader who loves fantasy literature. It works well as a gift for birthdays, or other holidays, or just as a plain old gift any old time for people you like.

Is it any good, you ask?

Well, here are some nice things people have had to say about it:

…a great story, …a pleasure to read. …beautifully written… —

…a fantasy world to rival the most unique. —

…everything that kids look for in Young Adult books and more. …a major find and certainly a joy to read. — Fantasy Book Critic

…took me completely by surprise. …(C. R. Wiley’s) writing style is absolutely charming and sinister all in the same breath… –

…a story that anybody can appreciate and indeed thrill to, but whose deeper foundations can be glimpsed by those with eyes to see.Gilbert Magazine, the offical publication of The American Chesterton Society

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