There have been a lot of changes for me this past year. Games Magazine, where I was Editor-at-Large for about 17 years, was folded into a sister publication, reducing my responsibility to only two pages a month. I left Maximum PC magazine after being one of its original writers and longest-running columnist, a tenure of almost two decades. I went through a period of illness and finally returned to a more regular work schedule with the World Meeting of Families and the Papal Visit. I stopped teaching youth catechesis. And now I’m trying to figure out what’s next at 47.
Elizabeth Scalia, who brought me here from a lucrative and thriving [cough] career as a game blogger, has moved on to greener pastures, and it’s time for me to move on as well. I was at Patheos because of Elizabeth, and now that she’s gone I have no desire to continue on a channel that lacks her wise and moderate counsel.
For starters, as I announced, I’ll be doing a weekly column on history at the National Catholic Register blogs, and my contributions to various Catholic publications will return to a normal level. I’ve also been fiddling with a book on Church history, but that will probably take some time.
I’ve set up a new space called Wonderful Things that combines all my old game blog (State of Play), my religious writing, and miscellaneous nonsense that catches my eye. Links to anything I do will be there.
The title, explained in the sidebar over there, comes from an anecdote that speaks to the thrill of discovery and the ancient, which has become a persistent topic here as I’ve drifted further from my original mandate to cover the intersection of religion and technology.
You can always find me by pointing your browser at Please consider following me on Twitter and Facebook.
Thanks for giving me some of your valuable time over the years, and may the blessings of almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, descend upon and remain with you forever.