Then it Struck me: I am reborn…

Then it Struck me: I am reborn… March 20, 2011

 Since my son has opened his eyes to the new, blurry to his eyes, world, I started seeing the world differently. Throughout this last year and the years to come, I am being raised all over again along with my son. I am being recycled as a new human being, but this time with more patience, compassion and appreciation for the value of life. Motherhood has become a necessary ingredient defining me rather than just a name on a birth certificate.

 Having a child has made me value life. It has made me look upon everything in it with a new light; it has made me re-discover the world through my son’s fresh eyes, and his amazement with the simplest details, and the slightest new findings. I feel like I am seeing the sky, the clouds, the stars, the sun and the moon for the first time as I am pointing them out to my son’s wide hungry eyes. I am enjoying the sound of every new letter he is learning to make, and I giggle along at how funny the word “Tin” sounds. I am hearing the birds for the first time, after my ears have learned to tune them out to seemingly more important stuff. I am enjoying the different touch of every fabric, the new smell and taste of every food. The more time I spend with him, the more I feel we have become one. With his birth, I have been re-born, and my soul is growing a new.

                                                                                                               Yomna Mostafa Mahmoud

Yomna , an Egyptian freelance writer and blogger. She lives in College Station Texas and is the mother of a 1.5 year old boy.


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