October 29, 2013

Try practicing a Sunnah of love in all your relationships, like this article recommends. Not sure how to approach Halloween when interacting with your kids and neighbors? Here is a great Grow Mama piece on how to talk to your kids about Halloween. Also, readers chime in about what they do with school celebrations of Halloween. Want to reap a great reward while simultaneously renewing your marriage? This piece contains some very nice ideas about how to treat your husband.... Read more

October 12, 2013

One of the beautiful things about sending children to public schools is the great opportunity for educating others about Islam. Children gain confidence in their selves and in their identity as Muslim-Americans when they know they can share their traditions with their friends at school. It has a profound effect on children knowing that their holiday is recognized and celebrated by their mostly non-Muslim school community. We all hope to raise a generation of kids who are fully engaged in... Read more

October 9, 2013

The ten days of Dhul Hijjah are an opportunity to instill core Islamic beliefs and values in our children. The moments are precious, the rewards are unimaginable, the time and blessings will pass by quickly. It is the season of our father Ibrahim, of pilgrimage and sacrifice, and of harvesting good deeds. Here are ten things you can do with your children in Dhul Hijjah. 1. Talk to your children about the breaths of Allah’s mercy. The Prophet, peace be... Read more

October 7, 2013

As my daughter approaches her first year I am astonished, mystified, bewildered (insert every adjective you can think of!) at how quickly time has passed.  Everyone tells you and everyone warns you but nothing prepares you for how quickly time races by once you have a child.  Looking back now I sometimes wonder if I wished my daughter through her first year and somehow wished the time away. When I was up every 2 hours to nurse my daughter, I... Read more

October 1, 2013

 Several years ago I became a Muslim and began covering almost immediately. I remember the first day I walked out of my house wearing the scarf. The sun was shining, and I felt as though Allah was especially proud of me that day as the rays illuminated me. I also felt the eyes of the whole world on me, as though every  single person I crossed paths with was staring. Of course it was all in my head. Right? Even... Read more

September 27, 2013

Have you fallen into a rut and need a new life perspective? Start a “see the flowers instead of the weeds campaign.” With Hajj coming up soon, here are some of our picks for involving your children in the experience. 10 super creative Hajj crafts and activities for kids Plan a trip to see the Eid sacrifice, it might turn into a memorable teaching moment. Commission your kids to build a Hajj bulletin board. Are your children having trouble in... Read more

September 24, 2013

I had a neighbor a couple of houses down that I only rarely saw going to and from her car. She must have been retired and didn’t go out much, because I could count on my fingers the number of times I saw her though I’d lived next to her for almost two years. In addition, I was a stay-at-home mom, so I either was home, outside on the front yard or just looking out my windows quite a bit.... Read more

September 12, 2013

A couple of years back skinny jeans emerged as the latest must have. Boot cut, flared and wide legged pants were now a thing of the past. All of a sudden I was out of style. Yikes! What just happened? The one article of clothing that was always my saving grace, my bootcut jeans, were no longer fashionable! As if it wasn’t already hard enough being a Hijabi in the US. I told myself, “Skinny jeans are completely inappropriate Islamic attire right? They are like wearing... Read more

September 9, 2013

As a child, I spent many summers visiting my grandparents in the Caribbean. I have fond memories of swimming in  a vast, indigo blue sea, under the piercing, bright sun. I loved the power of  waves, the feeling of buoyancy, the soft sand between my toes and the liberating sea breeze. In this sea, I fostered a deep love for all things water. As a university student, I noticed an unfortunate trend in our community amongst those with children. These... Read more

September 5, 2013

  This year my family was blessed to experience another Ramadan. It was the first time in eleven years that I have actually made it to Taraweeh prayer. I never thought that time would come, but now my youngest (who just turned four) can actually behave while we pray. So I say to my sisters out there who have not seen the inside of a masjid for years, hang in there, your time will come. Happy as I was to... Read more

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