July 22, 2013

1. Here are some fun Ramadan crafts your family will enjoy. 2. Kids getting restless? Here are even more Ramadan activities to keep them entertained. 3. Here is an inspiring post from a mom who didn’t let her inability to fast stop her from reaping rewards. 4. Enjoy these recipe ideas for all your Ramadan meals, from suhoor to iftar. 5. Don’t miss your chance to get your hands on these great Ramadan books for kids. 6. You’ll be surprised to learn what... Read more

July 19, 2013

After four years GrowMama.com is growing up and moving on! We invite our writers, readers and all our enthusiastic followers to come with us as we join the Patheos team. Patheos.com is the premier online destination where millions come to engage in global dialogue about religion and spirituality and explore and experience the world’s beliefs. Grow Mama started as an online community of American Muslim mothers and young women. Our space will continue to be a supportive, friendly, and non-judgmental space for... Read more

July 1, 2013

Over two years after my father’s passing, I reflected on the famous saying of the Prophet Muhammad, in which he advises us on what we can do for our loved ones after they have returned to Allah.  In the hadith, Abu Hurayrah narrated that Allah’s Messenger said, “When a human being dies, all of his deeds are terminated except for three: an ongoing sadaqah (charity), a knowledge (of Islam) from which others benefit, and a righteous child who makes dua... Read more

June 24, 2013

It’s never too late in life. At 26, one child and a eight years of marriage later, I have graduated college with my bachelor’s degree. The decision to begin my academic career post family life was not an easy one. I decided to enroll my daughter at the college’s daycare so I could attend classes full time. I worked hard trying to find a system that made it easy for me to balance housework and studying. I scheduled Friday’s off... Read more

June 17, 2013

A few weeks ago, as I prepared my two year old for bed, I decided to skip his usual truck book and switch it up with some quick storytelling.  As I lay him down and looked into his sleepy, glazed eyes, I opened up with a short re-telling of the story of the Elephant and Abraha.  My little one gazed at me with wide open eyes, enthralled, silent, listening intently. The next morning, on the way to school, my young... Read more

June 13, 2013

This summer, whether you plan on taking a trip across the state or around the globe, let these tips from a seasoned mom make your journey a little more pleasant. Your first step is to be prepared. Situations- “emergencies” in your child’s eyes- will arise. The juice will spill all over her shirt, her favorite crayon will break in two, and her doll might not be comfortable squished beside her. When you have an easy solution to pop right out... Read more

June 10, 2013

If I interrupt this silent reverence With a hurry up, come, what do you see? I divert her quiet moment with nature, And point it instead at me. At screens, voices, more stimulation, Questions, answers and explanations But what really matters, what makes it real, Is that here she learn to listen and feel. Touching the textures and rhythms of creation This reverence may one day lead to worship One day she may hear the pulsing glorification From rocks under... Read more

June 7, 2013

I’ve got two kids, ages 5 and 3, so yes, I’m an expert on motherhood. Ok, I kid. But here’s what I’ve learned in the past few years. Just read my thoughts with  an open mind. 1. Breastfeed your kids. Or don’t. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Or don’t. Do  what feels right to you, and eventually, you’ll see that it was right for YOU. Every mother out there figures out how to get into her groove. It takes some... Read more

June 3, 2013

                        I was told when I first got married, that my relationship with Allah would be different. That I would find a new “normal” and get accustomed to it. And that after having kids, a woman doesn’t have the time she used to have, to sit down for hours reading the Quran, or get up and pray every night while everyone else sleeps. But no one ever told me... Read more

May 30, 2013

1.  Prepare your children to deal with racism with this interesting technique detailed here. 2. Read why staying away from electronic toys stimulates the imagination. 3. One mom’s determination to help her daughter channel icons instead of Disney princesses. 4. Read this touching account of one mothers’ journey to overcome yelling at her children. 5. The blessed month of Ramadan is fast approaching, so here are some ways to get your mind, body and home ready. 6. Try this delicious... Read more

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