May 26, 2014

This month, we highlighted the vast world of education through our contributors and guest writers. Thank you to all those that participated in this important conversation.  If you would like to become a contributor on GrowMama, please email us at  College- synonym: freedom. synonym: loss. Some children only see college as a source of ‘freedom‘: freedom from the 8-2:30 daily schedule of their lives, having to wear a uniform, or answering to a principal. Report cards are a drag,... Read more

May 19, 2014

 As I walked into the room filled with kids, “BOOM” went the RPG as the kid blew up his opponent’s head in “Call of Duty 2″ and screamed, “Hell yeah, that’s a streak of ten!” I was at someone’s house for dinner with my parents. It was just me- neither my brother or sister accompanied us this evening. We were one of the first guests to arrive and our host told me to go upstairs to the kids’ room where... Read more

May 12, 2014

Join us this month of May as we highlight the vast world of education through our contributors and guest writers. Join in on the conversation and submit your own piece to us at We welcome all viewpoints on this special topic. “O Humanity. Behold, We have created you out of a male and female, and have made you into nations and tribes so that you might come to know one another.” (49: 13) I have been taught that this... Read more

May 6, 2014

Join us this month of May as we highlight the vast world of education through our contributors and guest writers. Join in on the conversation by submitting your own piece to We welcome all viewpoints on this special topic. DON’T add to her stress DO figure out ways to relieve her stress DON’T Compare your children with other children DO compare your child to their own abilities DON’T Ask her why the house is not clean or why the food... Read more

May 1, 2014

ed·u·ca·tion: n. (ĕj′ə-kā′shən): the knowledge, skill, and understanding that you get from attending a school, college, or university. Merriam Webster could not encompass the world of education in the span of a one line definition, and it continues to be a hot topic for millions of people. GrowMama is taking a look at it this month with a series on all things education. Join the conversation and consider contributing a piece to our blog. Email us at “Play is often talked about... Read more

April 21, 2014

We found this free, live, online course about the female companions starting Sat. April 26 for 11 weeks. Be sure to mark your calendar!  Is there are more fun and excellent way to teach your children the meaning of Quran than with legos?! If you are wondering about all the steps you need to take to get your role as “homeschool teacher” working for you- listen to this seminar on 5 keys to stress-free homeschooling while transitioning from mom to teacher” We... Read more

April 15, 2014

I am waiting. I know the time will come. I just don’t know when. I try to get things done, and piddle around finding things to do. I prepare as best as I can think of, yet I feel it’s never enough. I know my life is going to change forever, yet in the back of my mind I feel calm. I finish some work, start some more, and keep on counting the days, wondering when. Always wondering. Who knew... Read more

April 7, 2014

I hated who I was when I became a mother for the first time. I was angry, low, stressed and I did not take care of myself mentally, spiritually or physically. I remember it being tough time for me and my marriage. I had become a negative person and pushed away a lot of family members. I fought with my husband daily. My daughter was born 2 months premature and I think I read too many books that made me... Read more

March 28, 2014

I recently returned from a wedding where, for the first time, I made some observations from the lens of a mother. The groom was busy enjoying time with his bride, as usual, while his mom gracefully stood aside. After some time, he left to go to the men’s party when his mother noticed he had forgotten to eat his meal. So she picked up his plate and ran after him, heals, ball gown, and all. It hit me. All too... Read more

February 25, 2014

Growbaba spotlights provide a space for Muslim fathers to share their voice, reflections, and insights with our community. Let’s admit it folks, there is nothing more quenching to the embattled soul than long awaited sweet revenge. Don’t worry, no blood or terror here –though there are definitely battle scars. You see, back when this 44 year-old father of three was in 6th grade, they used to ask me, “how can you just stand there?” and “why don’t you fight back?.” Day... Read more

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