March 11, 2014

That’s right–What the Facebook? Posts from the Edge of Christendom. That’s the title of Michael Hardin’s new book, which was extracted from his voluminous posts on Facebook throughout 2013. In it, he articulates a fresh perspective on the Christian faith that offers an exciting alternative to the sacrificial logic of a violent God who punished his Son on the cross and threatens to punish unbelievers for eternity in hell. Not only does Michael delve into problematic images of God, Jesus... Read more

March 10, 2014

Either I’m getting old or something is happening at precisely 4:48 a.m. each morning to wake me up. Whatever the case, one of the things I do to while away the early morning hours/help myself fall back asleep is listen to podcasts on all sorts of topics. This weekend it was Sam Harris debating William Lane Craig re: the following question: “What is the best foundation for the existence of objective moral values–theism or atheism?” Just to be clear, by... Read more

March 3, 2014

If you’d like to read a fascinating critique of penal substitutionary atonement theory, I heartily recommend you read through Michael Hardin’s comments on this recent post by Scot McKnight. However, if you’d like to observe some commonly employed tactics used to avoid substantive critique of one’s position, I invite you to read Scot’s post, itself. Not that I’m accusing Scot of any sort of nefarious activity. I think most of these techniques are employed subconsciously in an understandable and all... Read more

February 22, 2014

THIS is Kevin A. Miller. And if you’re like me, you probably had to do a double take to make sure it wasn’t Tony Robbins. This is the first time I’ve had to make this distinction, due to the critique Kevin wrote of Brian McLaren, Rob Bell and Donald Miller. However, it makes me chuckle to think how many times Kevin A. Miller has had to say, “No, I DID NOT make Hellbound?” FYI, Brian has written an insightful and... Read more

February 21, 2014

I’ve been following with great interest Sam Harris’s extended exchanges with his critics. First it was Daniel Dennet, who wrote a lengthy and scathing critique of Harris’s book Free Will, calling it a “veritable museum of mistakes.” I am grateful to Harris for saying, so boldly and clearly, what less outgoing scientists are thinking but keeping to themselves. I have always suspected that many who hold this hard determinist view are making these mistakes, but we mustn’t put words in people’s... Read more

February 16, 2014

I just finished reading the late Walter Wink’s recently published memoir Just Jesus: My Struggle to Become Human. I highly recommend you read it whether or not you’ve read his other work (which I highly recommend you read, especially Engaging the Powers). Here’s a nugget from Just Jesus to whet your appetite: Where the Bible mentions homosexual behavior at all, it clearly condemns it. I freely grant that. The issue is precisely whether the biblical judgment is correct. The Bible... Read more

February 5, 2014

It’s called The Chicken Manure Incident, and you can rent it for $3 or own it for $5. Due to recent events in Abbotsford, BC, where the documentary takes place, I had made an earlier cut available. This new version features better audio and new graphics. I’ve already screened the film in Abbotsford and Edmonton with more screenings to come. Randal Rauser just posted his response to the film as well as an interview with me, and Mike Archer of... Read more

February 4, 2014

That’s the title of the paper I’ll be delivering at Trinity Western University’s Hell and Damnation public philosophy lecture event on February 13. Also presenting will be TWU philosophy professor Myron Penner, whose paper is called “How to Be a Universalist.” The event kicks off at 7pm and will wrap around 9. Q&A to follow our presentations. For those of you who can’t make it, the event will be recorded. More info on the event here.   Read more

January 29, 2014

Good things come in small packages, or in this case, shorter packages. (Yikes, there’s no way to escape the innuendo, is there?) At any rate, we cut an abridged version of Hellbound? for CBC’s Documentary Channel, so I thought I’d also make it available online for those with short attention spans, don’t have a lot of time to spare or could do with a few minutes less of Mark Driscoll. You can rent or buy it here. Of course, I’d... Read more

January 27, 2014

Here is a video of her conducting the Victoria Symphony Orchestra, where she serves as music director. Read more

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