Dhyanalinga – The Meditation Machine _ Sadhguru Video

Dhyanalinga – The Meditation Machine _ Sadhguru Video April 25, 2017

Below is the video from the Sadhguru channel, titled Dhyanalinga – The Meditation Machine _ Sadhguru. Enjoy! For more Sadhguru videos check out the Sadhguru video tag.

Dhyanalinga – The Meditation Machine _ Sadhguru – Video

Dhyanalinga – The Meditation Machine _ Sadhguru – Transcript

Sadhguru: The word linga comes from the root word leena Linga means the form. These lingas or these energy forms or these ellipsoids can be created with various qualities for various purposes. There are some lingas created for health some for well-being and prosperity for some for spiritual progress some for meditativeness like this various types of lingas can be created. Essentially they can be categorized as seven different ways. These seven can be further multiplied into many many kinds. The uniqueness of Dhyanalinga is it has all the seven dimensions of it but essentially it is tweaked towards meditativeness without any instruction. If you simply sit in the sphere of Dhyanalinga you become meditative. How many of you been there? Have you been there? Okay. No instruction simply go sit there for ten minutes you will become meditative by your own nature without any instruction. So the idea and the science and the technology behind this is that you create an energy form which will do something that you want to do for a long period of time. A form is also referred to as a yantra. Yantra means today a machine. A simple form is a yantra. As you mix these many forms and make it into a more complex thing then it becomes a machine. Various forms put together is a larger machine isn’t it? So similarly a simple form you take and add many many many many parts to it and it becomes a complex machine. So it is in a way like a meditation machine. You simply sit there you become meditative. Many people – this is the experience of thousands of people; they come there thinking they want to sit there for ten minutes they sit there and they get up it’s two hours. They’re sitting right there because once you are meditative your sense of time is just gone. Time rules you only because you are strongly physical. The more physical you are the more difficult it is to pass time please see this. Have you noticed this? If you are intellectually active time passes off much more quickly. If you are beyond the intellect time just disappears in your experience but if you are just physical time doesn’t go. You fidget tch tch. Isn’t it so? The more physical you are the more time tortures you. Time torture is only for the physical. If you are not physical time doesn’t torture you. To become meditative means to create distance between you and your physicality not to give it up but to carry it loosely. If you carry it loosely you can use it the way you want when you don’t want you can drop it. If you get enmeshed in it everything that is the quality of the physical also torments you. All the limitations of the physical infect you and bother you through the life. So meditativeness means on one level it just means that you are creating a distance between you and your physicality. Or in other words it is a simple journey from ‘Asatoma Satgamaya.’ What is not true to true. What is it that’s not true what is not true is just this you gathered this it’s a fact but now you believe it is this is you this is not true isn’t it? So truth means you moved away from untruth. Truth is not some kind of a thing that you do. If you don’t lie you are truthful. You don’t have to do anything to be truthful isn’t it? If you have to lie it’s a very complex exercise. Yes or no? Hmm? You know it by experience. Don’t you? If you have to tell a lie it’s a very complex exercise. To be truthful what do you have to do? Nothing even a idiot can be truthful. Yes or no? It’s very simple. You simply sit here you are truthful isn’t it? If you want to tell a lie it takes a lot of complexity. So truth is not something that you do. You move away from untruth you are truthful. It’s just that simple. So Dhyanalinga is just a tool towards that.

Dhyanalinga – The Meditation Machine _ Sadhguru – Notes

Please note that this video titled Dhyanalinga – The Meditation Machine _ Sadhguru is from Sadhguru’s Youtube channel. More information about Sadhguru is available on his website at isha.sadhguru.org. The transcriptions on this page are automated transcriptions. In case you find any errors please leave a comment below. If you would like to watch this video on the Youtube channel of Sadhguru then please search for Dhyanalinga – The Meditation Machine _ Sadhguru on Youtube

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