Keeping Your Tricks Aside _ Sadhguru Video

Keeping Your Tricks Aside _ Sadhguru Video September 19, 2017

Below is the video from the Sadhguru channel, titled Keeping Your Tricks Aside _ Sadhguru. Enjoy! For more Sadhguru videos check out the Sadhguru video tag.

Keeping Your Tricks Aside _ Sadhguru – Video

Keeping Your Tricks Aside _ Sadhguru – Transcript

We need to understand this To simply sit here and to know experiencely That this entire universe is actually a part of me Will not happen to most people they’ll hallucinate for a few moments after that. They will get distracted by something If you invest your life to create something which got nothing to do with you and something to do with everything Then slowly it will seep into you into every cell in your body that everything is actually a part of here To simply sit here and get it. We don’t know you may take many lifetimes Most people won’t get it They may get one thought and tomorrow morning. It’ll be out But if you invest your time energy and life into creating something which is not about you at all Then slowly it sinks into you Every cell every atom in the body will soak it up and make you understand that your life The way you are is actually all-inclusive otherwise it’s just a talk a whole lot of people it’s become a fad in the world I keep sharing this particularly in United States people say we love the universe wow That is the easiest bloody thing to do because it’s not here If you have to love somebody who’s next to you right now? It takes life. It costs life you know You may have to give something If you have a mango in your hand if you love somebody you may have to give it away But if you love the universe you can eat the mango on Louder universe it’s a wonderful trick a Very wonderful thing It is like making all the offerings JaleBi Pakodi this that everything to God Knowing well he will not eat After you’re the one who gets to eat it in the end algorithmic Knowing very well that you are the one who will get to eat it Children wanting to eat till it is perfectly fine. God wanting to eat. Delay be is not okay? Huh? Because there is a huge deception in God wanting to eat Jalebi Children want to eat Jalebi Its a simple desire So this has been going on for a long time Tricks and tricks and tricks and tricks. That’s why When you have to create something you have to keep your tricks aside and do what’s needed? No room for tricks if you do tricks What you’re doing will land on your head You want to build this? What you have to do you have to do it the way you have to do If you play tricks this will land on your head when you’re in action with the physical world You cannot deceive yourself. This is a good thing about the world But in your own mind you love the universe you know in how many ways you can deceive yourself Everybody likes to love somebody who’s not here because it’s so wonderful and you Don’t have to give away the mango that you have in your hand You can eat it and love But if you love the person next to you This is a problem. You have to give the mango at least half And the damn mango you can’t cut it into half one side will be more one side left You sat here and I say and you tell the person next you. I love you mango in hand There is a tendency wanting to give it away But that person says no you also have then you cut it one big piece one small piece Because you have made an unnecessary statement. I love you. You have to give the big piece I love the universe You can eat the big piece in the small piece You love God small piece. You can give big piece you can eat But if you love somebody next to you big piece you have to give it to them

Keeping Your Tricks Aside _ Sadhguru – Notes

Please note that this video titled Keeping Your Tricks Aside _ Sadhguru is from Sadhguru’s Youtube channel. More information about Sadhguru is available on his website at The transcriptions on this page are automated transcriptions. In case you find any errors please leave a comment below. If you would like to watch this video on the Youtube channel of Sadhguru then please search for Keeping Your Tricks Aside _ Sadhguru on Youtube

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