I’m Giving Away a Stack of 7 Books! (R. Foster, B. MacHaffie, B. McLaren, R. Sider, J. Yoder, et al.)

I’m Giving Away a Stack of 7 Books! (R. Foster, B. MacHaffie, B. McLaren, R. Sider, J. Yoder, et al.) April 21, 2017

Stack of Books

I have a problem. I like used-book and thrift stores too much. I can’t help but grab stacks of books I think sound interesting. The problem is that I end up getting duplicates of titles I forgot I already had. I’ve started using Goodreads to catalog my library, and that’s helping, but I still keep finding duplicates.

Lucky for you, I’ve decided to give away a stack of them!

One winner will receive the books listed below:

Note that these links are just for reference. The specific editions on Amazon may not be the same. The exact books you will receive from me are the ones pictured above. They are all used books, and they were used when I first picked them up. Any markings you may find within are not mine. Additionally, note that by giving these books away I am in no way endorsing either their content or their authors. I have not yet read all of these titles myself.

Enter using the form below, and be sure to share to increase your chances. Entrants must be at least 18 years old and have a valid U.S. mailing address. (Sorry about that—shipping elsewhere is just too expensive.) The entry period will run through May 2, after which a winner will be randomly selected.

Have fun!

A Stack of Books

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