1 Samuel 18: True Success Comes from God

1 Samuel 18: True Success Comes from God December 20, 2012

Whatever mission Saul sent him on, David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army. This pleased all the troops, and Saul’s officers as well. -1 Samuel 18:5

True success comes from God. David began as a mere shepherd boy. His father was not royalty nor wealthy. Rather, his older sons served in war while the youngest served in the field. But God chose to use David for a special purpose.

David’s success was first recognized when Samuel anointed him as future king of Israel. Then David played the harp for the king. Then there was Goliath. David’s defeat of the giant marked the moment David turned from boy to warrior. From then on, David continued to serve King Saul, becoming so successful that he was given a high rank in the army.

David could have taken the credit for himself, but he knew the real source of his success. David was young and inexperienced. It was God who gave him victory.

The same is true today. If God grants you success, it is from him and for him. Give glory to the Lord and use your success to live for him.

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Dillon Burroughs is the author and coauthor of numerous books and is handwriting a copy of all 31,173 verses of the Bible at HolyWritProject.com. Find out more about Dillon at Facebook.com/readdB or readdB.com.

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