Status Update on Handwriting the Bible

Status Update on Handwriting the Bible January 24, 2018


I finished handwriting the entire Bible for the first time in 2013. Since then, I have slowly plodded away at my second attempt. Here is a brief update.

After some breaks of several months, I am now closing in on my final four books of the Old Testament–Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.

The good news is that I am down to four books. The bad news is that these four books have more chapters than the entire New Testament.

Earlier this month, I completed Proverbs, 31 chapters of wisdom that served to reignite my passion for handwriting Scripture in 2018.

I then returned to Psalms, where I had stopped at Psalm 32 to take on some shorter books. Today I am in Psalm 51 where David confesses his sin before the Lord. It is a sobering, emotional psalm that continues to convict me as I reflect on its words.

That said, I now have 98 Psalms remaining, plus 166 chapters elsewhere. That’s 264 chapters, just over one per weekday for a year.

However, there is a certain momentum that kicks in when nearing the end. I may speed up, God willing. I’d like to finish sometime later in 2018, making two times in about seven years.

We’ll see. With any project this big, much can change. It has certainly changed me.

Have questions? Want to know how to begin handwriting Scripture yourself? Comment below or email me at dillon at dillonburroughs dot org. Thanks for stopping by to read! May God bless you as you read (and maybe even handwrite) his  Word.

Books of the Bible: 66

Chapters in the Bible: 1,189

Books completed: 62

Chapters completed: 925

Books remaining: 4

Chapters remaining: 264

Goal: No later than December 31, 2018


Dillon Burroughs is the author and coauthor of numerous books and blogs about his experiences of handwriting the Bible at the Holy Writ Project on Find out more about Dillon at Facebook or Twitter.

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