Tales from the Hive

Tales from the Hive December 18, 2010

Sometimes I feel tired.  Work, homeschool, family life, friends, church, neighbors.  It can be a lot.

But today I realized that I’ve got nothing but time.  And peace.  And quiet.  At least compared to bees.  A beehive makes our house look like a retirement home – for monks.

You might think you know how amazing bees are, and maybe you do.  But I didn’t.  Even Jeff, who knew the basics, was amazed by what we saw on Tales from the Hive, the PBS program we watched today with the boys.

Whether or not you homeschool or have children or think you have any interest in bees, rent this DVD.  You’ll be glad you did.

I’ll be back on Monday with more tales from our hive.

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