
Uno December 10, 2010

Last year, Zachary and Ezra were at the Amigos, a bilingual school where their teachers spoke only Spanish one week and only English the next.  It’s a remarkable school in many ways, and I wanted to keep up their Spanish this year so that they could back next year if we don’t keep homeschooling

We hired a Spanish-speaking au pair to be with the boys when Jeff and I are working.  I thought she would speak exclusively Spanish, but that didn’t work out.  Ezra just refused to have anything to do with her.  So now they play a lot of Uno, which isn’t quite what I had in mind.

Oh well.  Uno is fun; the boys love Kathiana; and I feel good when I leave them with her to go to work.  And if the placement test to get back into the Amigos asks them to name the primary colors or to Draw Four of anything, they’ll be all set.

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