
Eruptions February 10, 2011

The boys made snow volcanoes today in their “Home Schooled Naturalists” class.”  They could not stop talking about how amazing it was, far more exciting than the active volcanoes we saw last month in Costa Rica.  I can understand it, though.  Six boys, snow, vinegar, baking soda, food coloring, and thing erupting.  How could that not be great fun?

Zach called me this afternoon and asked me to leave work to buy supplies so that he and Ezra could make more volcanoes in the backyard. I wouldn’t normally indulge a request like that – I mean, who calls his mom at work and asks her to run an errand that will enhance his backyard fun?  But it is sooooo rare that the boys spontaneously engage in anything remotely like book learnin’ that I decided to come home to find the requested ingredients.

I wasn’t here to see their failed attempt.  But Kathiana said they remain undaunted and have plans to try again tomorrow.

When I pull out our new DK Volcanoes book next week, I anticipate at least five delightful minutes of reading before someone crosses his leg into another someone’s space or cries that the words are too big or the whole topic is really boring or asks when they can go back to real school.

At which point, I’ll get really nasty and pull out our pictures of the two volcanoes we saw in Costa Rica and remind them that kids in real school don’t spend their days making snow volcanoes or watching real volcanoes bubble and steam.

Wow, that was a little bitter, huh?  Let me try again.

It’s a special pleasure to watch your kids get excited about snow and fake volcanoes.  Or to watch them stare drop-jawed at active volcanoes.  And I couldn’t feel more grateful about the time I am spending with boys this year.

Much better.  And who knows?  We may get 20 minutes in before one of us erupts.

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