A Day In The Life Of Homeschooling: Day 1

A Day In The Life Of Homeschooling: Day 1 January 2, 2014

Among the many responses to learning that I homeschool our two youngest sons. one of the more common is, “I could never do that.  I wouldn’t know what to do.”

I remember that feeling.  It was similar to the feeling I had when I bought my first house and had my first baby.  But just like with houses and babies, you figure it out as you go.  Or you don’t, and you try to do better with the second one.

Still, I thought it might be fun to write down what we do each day for a month.  I’m curious to see what you all think after a month.  Will you be  more likely to join the two million homeschoolers in this country?  Or will you be staging an intervention to save the boys?  Either way, here goes..

So what did we do today?

We’re still in holiday mode, so we didn’t do a whole lot.

In the morning, the boys did a few multiplication worksheets.  Then Zach drew two animals for his project about the  food web of the African safari.  Ezra edited a folktale he wrote last month.  Somehow, this took three hours.  Maybe that’s because everything takes longer than I think it will.  Maybe that’s because I decided to lower my coffee intake to one cup a day  in 2014 and was saving it for the afternoon, which meant I had no energy to help the boys get going.  Maybe it’s because my sons are lazy and unmotivated.  I spent most of the morning thinking it was the latter and feeling extremely anxious about it.

In the afternoon, I went to a meeting with four homeschool moms to plan our schedules for the spring.  Zach drew two more animals while we were there, and then played with the other kids.  Ezra went to the dentist with Jeff.

They came home at four, played an hour of mine craft, played outside in the snow for an hour, and shoveled a few times.

These days, slow days in which not much gets done but kids are engaged in a few small projects, can be lovely if you are in the right frame of mind.  If you’re not, and today I most definitely was not, they can leave you feeling like a failure.

What keeps me going on day’s like today?  Remembering our first days of homeschooling.  And remembering that there’s tomorrow.


Resources Used in Today’s Work

Kumon Grade 4 Muliplication

Draw and Color: Animals


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