In Need of Inspiration

In Need of Inspiration July 30, 2011

We’re coming up on a year.  A year of homeschooling my babies.  A year of other things to be sure – like blogging, and having an au pair, and finding out the boys have learning issues about which we were previously unaware.  But everything else pales in comparison to deciding that Jeff and I could keep the boys home and better help them become who we thought they were made to be.

As we finish the year, look over last year’s objectives, and plan for next year, it’s been clear to me that it’s time to end the blog.  I’m starting to find it onerous.  I’ve gotten immeasurable help, correction, and encouragement from writing and from your feedback. But as homeschooling has become easier, blogging has become more of a chore.

My last post will be September 23. I give you two months notice because I think you’ll be crushed by the news and will need time to recover and find new things to do with your days.

Okay, not so much.  I’m in need of inspiration, and I thought that it would be nice to include a few final posts on topics of your choice.  So if there is something you’ve been wondering about or something you wish home schoolers would write about or something else you’d like to know about Jeff’s bathroom habits, let me know and I’ll do my best to get it in there.

For now, have a great weekend.  See you Monday!

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