20 Millennials Express Faith in a Shifting Culture: Engaging the CNN Discussion [Video & Transcript]

20 Millennials Express Faith in a Shifting Culture: Engaging the CNN Discussion [Video & Transcript] September 4, 2013

Are we moving toward a religionless time? Or is the definition of religion shifting?

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.Incontrovertibly, there has been a 10-15 year decline in church attendance. In the words of Diana Butler Ross,

Churches in the Southern Baptist convention, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and conservative Presbyterians are reporting losses that resembled decline that their mainline counterparts suffered in 70s; mega-churches [that have sprung up] and are successful for a time [have been] forced to close down. The Catholic Church has barely maintained its share and is on decline, and so forth [1].

(Schneider, Nathan. Age of Spirit: An Interview with Harvey Cox. 30 October 2009.)

A subset of those leaving the Mass card and mega-church behind have left God as well, or suppressed His involvement in their lives.

I’ve asked 19 Millennials, in this context, to share their faith in God and Jesus Christ with the world, in simple and personal terms. No adults talking for them; here they are, speaking for themselves to you, about their belief in a literal Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ, as Redeemer, in a shifting culture and significant historical time.

Hope you’ll join us and visit other casts of I Believe Podcast: Expressions of Faith.

I’d love to hear from you at karen@ibelievepodcast.com.

Please find the full transcript here.

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