8 Points to Consider: The Authenticity of the Bible {Extra-Biblical Evidence}

8 Points to Consider: The Authenticity of the Bible {Extra-Biblical Evidence} January 14, 2014

In this second interview in a series with DM Johnson, we discuss extra-Biblical evidence, or evidence of the Bible’s truthfulness from sources outside the Bible. Dave and I talk about the following points:

  • New Testament figures who are attested in outside sources

  • Writers who chronicled the events surrounding Jesus’ death and the darkness which followed

  • Evidence from Josephus

  • The methods and norms of historical documentation

  • Early Christian writers

  • Similarities between these outside sources and events within the Bible

All scripture is God-breathed. 2 Timothy 3:16

I hope you’ll join us as we discuss the scholarship and evidence surrounding the Bible! These outside sources provide additional evidence that the Bible is in fact a record of history.

We also invite you to read and study the Bible for yourself, and pray to know of its truthfulness.

You can find the complete transcript and audio file here.

Additional Episodes

8 Points to Consider: The Authenticity of the Bible {Overview}

Finding Hope While Grieving Suicide

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