A Holiday Update

A Holiday Update November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope all my readers were able to have an enjoyable day with loved ones.

You may have noticed that the blog was suspiciously quiet this week. That’s due to a combination of factors, including that I could not in good faith bring myself to write about the biggest news story of the month. Even a fool is considered wise when he remains silent, and that doesn’t cease to be true even in the world of blogging. I don’t believe I could possibly improve on what others have said, and said in response, and said in counter-response.

The second factor is not quite as noble. I’ve decided to consciously scale back the amount of content on this blog from now until the end of the year. Quite simply, after by far the most consistent stream of blogging I’ve ever done, I’m tired, and in need of some mental and personal renewal. I have an embarrassingly long queue of books that I desperately want to finish before the end of the year, and so will be devoting some of the extra time to that. I’m also engaged and have a sister who will be getting married in January, and I want to use the holidays to direct proper attention to those relationships.

My plan is to average about one post per week until the New Year. I have some additional writing projects outside this blog that I’ll be working on, and December’s My Essential Movie essay will be appearing in the next couple of weeks. The Notebook won’t be silent, just a little quieter. The goal is to enter 2015 fully charged and intellectually refreshed.

As always, thank you for reading!


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