Enjoying what you do

Enjoying what you do November 24, 2013

The only difference between what you think of as a chore and what you think of as fun, is what you think. Imagine how much more productive and effective you would be, and how much less stress you would feel, if you could spend all your time doing only the things you wanted to do. Now consider that with a fairly simple change in thinking, that is precisely how your life can be.

If you get yourself all worked up about how much you don’t like doing a particular task, you make it that much more difficult and burdensome. Why would you want to do that? You could just as easily think of it as being desirable, and even fun. After all, they’re your thoughts and you get to decide what they’re going to be, right?

Step back and give your perspective a little more objectivity. See that the purely physical, objective differences between what you have to do and what you want to do are not that significant at all. The biggest difference is created by what you think.

Pick some particular task you consider to be undesirable. Now challenge yourself to come up with three reasons why it could be fun. Just as a result of posing the question, your mind will start to formulate real and meaningful answers.

You work very hard so you can do what you enjoy. Imagine what would happen if you put just a little bit of that effort and focus into simply enjoying what you do.

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