All is well

All is well January 27, 2014

Relaxation begins in the mind. You can be extremely active and still be relaxed. Plenty of people find relaxation in running, hiking, kayaking and other active pursuits. Certainly relaxation can involve relaxing your muscles and the rest of your body. Yet the key ingredient to relaxation is a sense of inner peace. That is possible no matter what you’re doing on the outside.

Relaxation can be powerful, because it enables a higher level and quality of energy flow. When you are relaxed, you become far more accepting of the life energy that’s flowing toward you. At the same time you allow energy to flow out from you in a more authentic way, instead of striving to filter it all through your ego.

So how do you reach this state of relaxation, of inner peace? You don’t have to run away into the mountains. It is possible, and practical and useful anywhere, at any time.

Begin by reminding yourself that in this moment is everything that is. The past is a memory. It can be a pleasant, or instructive, or motivating memory if you wish, but the past has no hold on you and you are always free to simply let it go. The future has not happened yet and worrying about what might or might not happen is not going to do a bit of good, so let those worries go.

In the present moment, you can choose to fight or you can choose to flow. Fighting creates enormous friction and blocks the energy that would otherwise be available to you. Certainly there are things about the present moment that you’d like to change. But the fact is, they’re already here, and fighting them is useless. Your most powerful option is to allow them and acknowledge the reality of what is. That will start the energy flowing and enable you to make positive, effective changes.

Open yourself to the goodness that is right here and now. Find something beautiful about this moment, even just a little thing. Be truly thankful for your awareness and ability to internalize all the beauty you experience. Feel life’s goodness as it constantly flows into you and fills you with peace. Relax into a state of peaceful and purposeful effectiveness. Now is beautiful, you are here, and all is well.

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