The process of change

The process of change February 6, 2014

You want to make a change in your life. You want to make a change in your world. So where do you start? What’s an effective, proven process for making something happen?

First, you must believe you can. Every experience in your life is filtered through your beliefs. As you go through each day, each year, each decade, you accumulate beliefs about how the world works. Some of those beliefs serve you well. Others may be holding you back. Whatever your other beliefs may be, if you wish to accomplish some significant change in your life, your beliefs must support that change. So before anything else, examine your beliefs. Make sure that you believe in what you seek to do, and that you absolutely believe you can.

Next is your attitude. While your beliefs are a collection of ways in which you interpret life, your attitude is the way you see life in any given moment. You may have many conflicting or opposing or conditional beliefs. At any given time, however, you have exactly one attitude. Step back and look objectively at your attitude. Is it empowering you? Is it pulling you forward? Is it enabling you to see and explore the best possibilities? If it’s not, you can change it.

Then take a look at your thoughts. Your beliefs and your attitude will be expressed in a continuous stream of thoughts. Thoughts are the way you talk to yourself. So what are you saying? Observe your thoughts. Promote the positive ones to a higher level of prominence, where they can create even more positive thoughts. Don’t fight against the negative thoughts. Just quickly let each one go, and be ready with a positive thought with which to replace it.

From your thoughts come your feelings. Feelings are extremely powerful, because they connect you with your desires and, at a deeper level, with your underlying purpose. When you do something and you can’t really explain why, you can be sure it’s being driven by feelings. You can choose your feelings by choosing your thoughts, by choosing what you are saying to yourself over and over again. Make sure your feelings are completely in line with whatever you seek to change, with whatever you wish to do, with whatever you decide to accomplish.

Next comes the decision, the commitment to make it happen. When your beliefs, your attitude, your thoughts and feelings are aligned around a specific objective, the decision to reach for that objective will flow easily and naturally from your authentic self. Firmly and unequivocally make that decision and lock it into place. Feel the power of your own intention.

The final part of the process consists of your choices and actions. Though your objective may well require much difficult and challenging effort, when that effort resonates with who you truly are, it can seem almost effortless. It will indeed be satisfying and fulfilling. And as you work your way toward the goal, with your beliefs, your attitude, your thoughts, feelings and sense of commitment supporting you along the way, you’ll grow stronger and more capable of reaching even higher than you ever could have imagined before.

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