Good fortune

Good fortune November 15, 2014

When something wonderful comes into your life, do you accept it and enjoy it? Or do you worry that you might lose it, and take so many steps to protect yourself from the imagined loss that you end up not enjoying it at all. Good fortune can be just as uncomfortable as disappointment, often even more so. Because when you experience some particular good fortune, not only is it a change, it’s a change that provides you with more to lose. Or perhaps you feel that you’re not worthy of the goodness and abundance that life offers, and worry that your good fortune is coming to you at the expense of someone else. It’s important to be able to accept the good fortune that comes your way. Because if you continue to sabotage that good fortune, it will eventually stop coming to you. Accept your achievements, your successes and the other good things that happen in your life. Yes, you might lose them one day, but that’s all the more reason to make the most of them right now. If you constantly worry about losing them, perhaps because you feel you’re not worthy of them, then not only will you indeed lose them, you never will have really ever had them. Accept your good fortune, enjoy and delight in it, and make the very most of it.

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