Positive focus

Positive focus November 21, 2014

One thing that makes positive focus so powerful is that it keeps you from being pulled down by all the little things. The details of your life can work for you or they can work against you. The moments of your life are where you actually live, and as such those moments are of critical importance. You can use them, you can lose them, or you can abuse them.

Think of someone you know who is continually angry, someone who complains about everything and everyone. Would you consider that person to be successful? Would you want to trade places with that person and lead his or her life, even for a day? Most likely the answer is a resounding “NO!” Anyone who invests so much of his or her precious time in being angry and bitter simply has nothing left to put into being positive and successful. Such a person is a clear example of someone who abuses most of the moments of each day.

Do you ever get angry? Do you ever get frustrated? Of course you do. Life is full of trouble, unfairness, injustice, and frustration. Anger and frustration are signs that you truly care, so in that sense they can be positive. You can be motivated to take positive action as a result of anger or frustration. But in order to live positively and successfully, you cannot allow anger and frustration to dominate every moment of every day. There is positive value in getting angry and in allowing that anger to motivate you. There is no value whatsoever in maintaining your anger or enlarging it. There is no value in letting your anger ruin your day. If someone is rude to you, you can spend the rest of the day complaining about it or you can spend the rest of the day moving toward a positive and fulfilling goal. Which use of your time will benefit you most? Which use of your time will be more pleasant and productive? Which use of your time will infuse your life with an attitude of success?

The little things can move you forward when you refuse to allow them to drag you down. Frustration can be a learning experience. Anger can strengthen your resolve. Find the positive and move forward.

When you positively manage the moments of your life, seeing the opportunity in each little thing, then the overall effect is powerful indeed. Rather than looking for excuses to fail, see all the opportunities to succeed.

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