Question reality

Question reality January 7, 2015

What you think about reality, is not reality. The map is not the territory. It may be a very useful representation, and yet even if you know every single detail on the map, it is not the same as being there. It can be extremely helpful to realize that there is much detail missing from the map. It can be truly liberating to understand that what you assume to be the whole truth about a particular situation is only a rough approximation.

For in the gap between what you think and what is really there, you’ll find many powerful, positive possibilities. If you can go beyond your own ingrained bias about a situation, you can also go beyond the need to feel conflicted or victimized by it. Such an approach can truly transform your thinking and open up whole new sets of options to you. Such an approach can unleash the amazingly powerful creativity that is always a part of you.

If there is some particular aspect of reality that is troubling you, ask yourself, “Is it true?” Instead of assuming that you are a victim, challenge yourself  to question whether the situation really even exists as you have chosen to perceive it. Ask yourself, “Is it true?” Then follow up by asking yourself, “Can I be absolutely positive that it is true right now, at this moment?”

Questioning reality does not negate your problems. What it does, is provide you with a more powerful perspective. It enables you to step back from the story you’ve continued to repeat to yourself. It can free you from feeling trapped by your situation, and that can make an enormous difference in the effectiveness of your response.

You cannot change the reality of what already is. However, by challenging your interpretation of reality you can break the negative thought patterns that may be holding you back. There’s more to what you see than what you see. Question reality, and pleasantly surprise yourself with some new and powerful possibilities.

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