And Paul Thought Corinth Was Bad…

And Paul Thought Corinth Was Bad… August 24, 2011

Naked is all the rage.

Naked Juice: great lunch in a quick and easy container. Crazy expensive, but unless they’re lying on the label, it’s actually good for you.

Naked Pizza=new franchise in my neighborhood. Perhaps unfortunately named, because my first thought is, plain crust. No sauce, no cheese, no toppings. What’s the point? In fact, it is hippie organic whole food ingredients, blah blah blah. Again, unless the material lies, it is actually good for you.

Naked and Famous Jeans=super trendy Japanese denim. Probably a little too cool for me. Or anyone else older than 25 and weighing more than 90 lbs.

Naked Spirituality=new Brian McLaren books sitting on my desk to be read at some future time. Possibly, the fall Bible Study book.

Not to mention, we are potty-training at my house, so there’s usually a naked toddler running around.

At Foothills, we’ve been trying to come up with a name for a new (still developing) alternative worship spot. We want the name to communicate that the service is: contemporary; upbeat; uplifting; relevant; organic; creative; theologically progressive; abandoning all the awkward pauses, invitations to nap, and passing around of things that get in the way of a true experience of the holy; simple.

What says all of that in a single, catchy word? What, in fact, is the catchiest word of all time? Of course…why didn’t I think of it sooner… Naked Church.

Well, if that doesn’t draw a new neighbor in the door, i don’t know what would. And let me tell you, in Phoenix, in August, this idea would not be hard to sell.

You don’t have to point out all the ways this could (would) backfire. I’m way ahead of you. But what I keep coming back to is this: what a great joke that would be on the literalists…

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