A Good Week For Progress: Baby Panda Edition

A Good Week For Progress: Baby Panda Edition March 7, 2016

I need a break. A week off.

Not from work. Not even from writing in general. But from the Presidential campaign. Have mercy, it is gross out there. I keep trying to write about something else, but every single day, HeWhoMustNotBeNamed says something else that is so WTF-worthy, I just can’t look away.

No more! That business is not the boss of me. It’s not the boss of you, either. Breathe deep. There’s still life happening out there, outside of the pundits on your t.v. screen and the “latest polls revealing…” Let’s have some good news.  bridge-1082117_640

–To begin, read this On Being piece about the spirituality of activism. Specifically, the spiritual life of Patrisse Cullors, a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement.

–Then take a moment to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court overruled an Alabama Court Ruling–awarding custodial rights to a Lesbian adoptive parent. This verdict is monumental for LGBT equality. And it was unanimous. Unanimous.

–Virtual fist-bump for a local news affiliate, for the interfaith series they’ve launched this week. Latest edition is “How We Pray: What Two Kansas City Residents Want You To Know About Islam.” Nothing fights rampant xenophobia and growing/disturbing trends of anti-Muslim rhetoric like information, narrative, and human interest. Way to go, KHSB.

–How about this for tricks… If you were not already daydreaming about moving to Canada (btw, please don’t. Stay here and VOTE) this pic of the dreamy Canuck Prime Minister cuddling baby Panda twins at the zoo should do the trick.

–And meanwhile, there’s always art. Still transforming the world and bringing joy in uncertain, unsettling times. Ray Lamontagne has a new album out. There are NEW HARRY POTTER STORIES on the way. And of course, what would any of this be without satire? Like this excellent campaign ad that aired on Saturday. Don’t worry, it’s from SNL, so it doesn’t count as talking politics. Exactly.



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