August 21, 2012

I mean… way to say it out loud, Mr. Akin. Your ignorance may be astounding–horrific, even–but you are teaching us a valuable lesson. The moral of the story is–this is what single-issue voting will get you. I’m one of many, many people of faith in this country: who are pro-choice, but anti-abortion. If you think that is an oxymoron, stick with me here. I think that abortion is sad and awful, and should not be used as an alternative to... Read more

August 17, 2012

if we were not all so afraid of our own mortality, we'd be much more inclined to make plans while we are able; to share what we have while we're alive; and to challenge even our youngest participants to truly invest their lives in the future of our mission. Read more

August 16, 2012

Sometimes, our addiction to that two-letter word--DO--is, in fact, the very thing standing in the way of The Holy Spirit "doing a work." Not THE work. A work. Read more

August 15, 2012

Waves of heat dance off the pavement, ominous vipers hissing, “don’t passsss by here…” The neighboring cactus, equally uninviting: “Do not touch. Do not touch. Do not touch…” The few green growing things, they all have claws. “I am not food. I won’t be harvested. I am not food.” The sun– elsewhere mother of all– works here to push life away. “Do not plant. Do not sow. Do not plant. Do not grow.” Driving all life inside; to shade, to cover, a forced-air shelter, a... Read more

August 14, 2012

Music, diet, geography, recreation, spending habits, technology, wardrobe, living space…This is a lifestyle. And each of us can choose a combination of things that give us life, or enter into a pattern that slowly drains us of all goodness and hope. We choose our paths every day. Whether you love boys or girls has nothing to do with a ‘style’ of living. You are thinking of the home and garden section of Southern Living. Read more

August 10, 2012

I’ve got two small children. I know what whining sounds like. Sometimes, before the request has completely left the tongue, I will stop and say, “Is that really how you want to ask me about that?” Because I would really like them to learn young that whining gets them nowhere. That i tend to be more generous with snacks, outings, tv shows, and life in general, when I have been approached with a certain degree of pleasantness. Manners are important,... Read more

August 9, 2012

The essence of being 'timely' has utterly changed, now that news can travel to us at lightning speed. Things happen in the world, even if it is Saturday night. Even if it is Sunday morning. Sometimes, the newsfeed just renders your message utterly irrelevant. Game on. Read more

August 3, 2012

Can't wait to get home and watch the Hunger Games! Wait..I mean, the Olympics. Read more

August 2, 2012

Are we done talking about chicken yet?? Law... Let's all just breathe today, and remember that nobody owns the language of freedom. And that 'rights' and 'freedoms' are two very different things. Read more

July 25, 2012

Well, I’m late to the party, but here goes: I’m not eating at Chick-fil-A anymore. Which is ok, really. Much as I loved their impeccable service, clean indoor play facility, and killer sweet tea, their breakfast chicken biscuits were not helping my diet. This conversation has been in full swing for more than a week now, so there’s not much I can add that hasn’t been said already, by people smarter than me. (And, well, by some people who just... Read more

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