For my YouTube channel, click here. Below is a small selection of videos and tools I’ve previously produced.
Do you want face?
For the Chinese version, click here.
How does God seek “face”?
For the Chinese version, click here.
Four Training Videos (from 2016 SBC Theology Conference)
These videos explore a practical approach to contextualizing the gospel in a way that is biblically faithful and culturally meaningful. They propose a firm but flexible model of contextualization that is rooted in biblical theology and useful for doing ministry in any cultural context. Accordingly, we are able to together theology and missiology so that the Bible shape both our message and our methods.
The link above includes video, audio and study guides for each session.
The Church is a Gospel Issue
Is the church collectivistic or individualistic?
Explaining Contextualization (short introduction)
What is contextualization? Why do it?
How to Contextualize One Gospel for All Nations (short introduction)
How do we actually do contextualization? What does the Bible show us?
Understanding Honor and Shame (short introduction)
This video explains the meaning of “honor and shame,” highlighting key themes are mark all human cultures. It clarifies certain impressions and misunderstandings about how honor and shame work within a cultural context.
Honor and Shame in the Bible (short introduction)
This video explains various ways that honor and shame shape the message of the Bible. It particularly looks at key doctrines such sin, salvation and others.
Study Guides for above training videos (ideal for group discussion)
Jackson Wu YouTube channel
Slide Presentations
Is Our Theology Enslaved to Law?: Understanding the Relationship between Biblical Metaphors
For the Chinese version, click here.
Interview with Deeper Waters podcast