Our Work and Values

Our Work

Our family and support team want to respond to the theological famine in the Majority World. With GTN, we are invited to do three things.

  • develop contextualized theological training and resources for global churches
  • help missionaries improve their training, especially in theological contextualization
  • build the Missional Theology Initiative, a long-term training program that expands access to theological education for the global church.

Click on the following links to see some of Jackson’s resources, publications, media, and CV.

Our Values

Values determine both why we serve and how we do ministry. Here are 4 LIFE values that shape our work.

  • Listening

None of us have it all figured out. We need to listen to others. Learning never stops.

  • Interdependence

The church is called a “body.” We’re called to interdependence, not independence.

  • Faithfulness

“Well done good and faithful servant.” That’s what we all want to hear. Faithfulness is the soil of spiritual fruit.

  • Exegesis

Scripture should shape not only our message but also our methods of ministry.

Become a Partner

If we want to change the world, …

people have to pray for it.

people have to pay for it.

people have to partner together for it.

Click here to become a financial supporter and join our prayer team.

To join only our prayer team, click here.