Conference Papers

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ETS 2014 (San Diego)

How Christ Saves God’s Face… And Ours: A Soteriology of Honor and Shame.

ION 2014 (Houston)

Rewriting the Gospel for Oral Cultures: Why Honor and Shame are Essential for the Gospel Story. November 2014

ASM 2015 (Bangkok)

Does the “Plan of Salvation” Make Disciples?: Why Honor and Shame are Essential for Christian Ministry. November 2015

ETS 2015 (Atlanta)

Have Theologians No Sense of Shame?: How the Bible Reconciles Objective and Subjective Shame. (PDF) (audio)

Seeking God’s Face: Honor and Shame in the Sacrificial System. (PDF) (audio)

International SBL 2016 (Seoul)

ETS 2017 (Providence)

ETS 2019 (San Diego)

An “East Asian” Response to Shame-full (Mis)Interpretations of Romans 7

SBL 2019 (San Diego)

God is Not Justified by Wrath: Vindicating Paul’s Use of Psalm 51 in Romans 3:4. For a published version, see my article with Neotestamentica under the Publications tab.

What is an “East Asian” Interpretation of the Bible?

EMS 2020 (Virtual; COVID)

“Biblically Faithful and Culturally Meaningful Contextualization? Moving Beyond the Ethnohermeneutics Debate”.

ETS 2020 (Virtual; COVID)

“Reciprocity, Collectivism, and the Church.” (mp3 file)

“Diverse Approaches to Contextualizing Chinese Theology.” Chinese Evangelical Theological Fellowship. ETS.

SBL 2021 (San Antonio)

“How the Righteous Seek Honor: An Application of Romans 2:7.”

EMS 2022 (Dallas)

“How Leviticus Informs the Church’s Mission of Reconciliation.”

ETS 2022 (Denver)

Affirming Penal Substitution But Not Its Logic.”