Crazy Theophanies | 3 examples in the Hebrew Bible

Crazy Theophanies | 3 examples in the Hebrew Bible November 16, 2021

About the title Crazy Theophanies… I truly mean no disrespect. This is a very interesting topic. It is an attention-getter for people who may not otherwise look. Perhaps in a way Theophanies are attention-getters which stand on their own for us as well in the Old Testament.

video setup (9 min 25 sec)

We’re talking about the book of Daniel. Specifically we’re talking about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who have the names King Nebuchadnezzar gives them in Babylon.

Crazy Theophanies

He throws them in the fire because they fail to worship a statue of Nebuchadnezzar. Instead, they choose to always worship their God. So they fail to bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. So he throws them in the fire to burn them up, basically to snuff them out.

The story goes, for those of you who have read and studied the story, or who may have heard it when you were younger, Nebuchadnezzar all of a sudden says something like:

Wait, I see another in the fire… (Daniel 3.25)

And this other one is what we are talking about. Who was the other one?


This is something like a commissioned project. I was asked about all of this information by a person who has served in church his whole life, although he’s only a millennial. He has had a seat at the table as a deacon, and holds a career in public service.

At his church, one of the groups is going through a study on this topic, and has been for weeks. I’m honored to offer a little insight in times like this.

About the title Crazy Theophanies… I truly mean no disrespect. This is a very interesting topic. It is an attention-getter for people who may not otherwise look. Perhaps in a way Theophanies are attention-getters which stand on their own for us as well in the Old Testament.


I am basically sharing some hotly contested Scripture. As stated more than once, you will hear multiple opinions on these Passages in the Hebrew Bible.

I will just pass along to you what one of my seminary professors once told the class after a session where we all seemed to be debating endlessly. “Sometimes the best professors will raise more questions than they answer….”

I am straying from my preaching/teaching style. In some ways, I’m really just flowing with some Scriptural highlights in mind. This is not even a method I use for storytelling in a formal setting. Nonetheless, the audience of one (so to speak) was grateful for what I shared with him.

further study | Theophanies

Try looking up Theophany, or specifically a Christophany. Theophany would be an appearance of a deity, or of our God. A Christophany is an appearance of Christ, but generally referring to a post-resurrection appearance.

In Christian Theology, Theophanies generally (not all the time) refer to an appearance of Christ in the Hebrew Bible. There are many Passages like this one to chose from.

further research… sometimes songs tell the story far better

Another in The Fire, Hillsong United CLICK HERE

And I leave you with one of my favorite ways this story plays out. The reason why is because it may not have been all about the Theophany. It could have been about the resolve of three Hebrew young men who knew they were going to stand for the truth, no matter the consequences. Daniel 3.16-18

Who has ever captured their resolve better than Russ Taff?

Not Gonna Bow, Russ Taff CLICK HERE

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