December 4, 2023

Repentance, Peace, and Limited Atonement The other day, I was in the throes of a process of repentance. Repentance is nothing new for me, and it certainly is not uncommon. Repentance simply means turning direction, and I turn direction multiple times a day. For some reason though on that day I felt a strong conviction, and was working through it in prayer. At a loss for words, I finally spoke in what I would call a Theological sense. “Father, would... Read more

December 2, 2023

Do I Need a Confirmation? Sometimes I wish God would just confirm something. I mean, I’m not Gideon, and there’s nothing wrong with Gideon, but I would just like a confirmation. Is the idea of getting a confirmation even in the Bible, other than Gideon? I could sure use a confirmation. In the Hebrew Bible they didn’t yet have Jesus Christ living on the inside. They needed signs to serve as a confirmation of their path. There was only one... Read more

November 23, 2023

I’m Thankful All across America, people are getting up to slow cook their turkey or ham. I’m up because I’m getting ready for Black Friday in the retail world. My shift begins at 5 AM tomorrow, so I went to bed last night at 8:30 PM. I thought I would try a practice run. As I think about the day ahead, I am reminded of recent things that I’m thankful for. I’m thankful for a son who does not settle... Read more

November 13, 2023

For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time – to show us his grace through Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 1.9, NLT I really want to talk about holiness. However, one of our preachers preached on it not too long ago and did an excellent job covering all the bases. I do want to echo the preacher’s... Read more

November 8, 2023

In Dialogue with Doug Hansen… …or Where Have All The Cowboys Gone? part 2 because it was spurred on (pun intended) by this morning’s foray. You may never know how the 2 are connected. I’m still untangling the 2 from an activating event about a month ago. I received a picture of my youngest dressed up for a special school day as a cowboy. That’s all I ever did as a kid, play cowboys or play baseball. We didn’t have... Read more

November 8, 2023

Where Have All The Cowboys Gone? This article is basically taken straight from Twitter/X posts this week. It’s been fun to reminisce about another lifestyle I was very close to living for myself more than once. Every time she asks I want to raise my hand. I went through 2 legit (to quit) cowboy phases in childhood and in college. I came close to selling out to the lifestyle a couple times in my adult life. Sometimes it calls to... Read more

November 2, 2023

List of Sins | Word Studies in Corinthians Last night Rev. Roger Scantlin taught at Chrispoint in Galena, Kansas. It was his 2nd Wednesday night in his series on the power of the tongue. He used quite a few statistics and Scripture, really had an excellent presentation. I’m honing in on a couple of Scripture Passages from the Corinthians because I’m personally reading these Epistles devotionally right now. I like to focus on nuances of translation with lists like this.... Read more

October 31, 2023

Happy Reformation Day | Understanding Sola Sola Gratia | by grace alone Sola Fide | through faith alone Sola Christus | in Christ alone Sola Scriptura | according to Scripture alone Sola Deo Gloria | for the glory of God alone understanding Sola How do we understand the Solas? We have a basic English equivalent: “Alone” or “Only.” If Sola means “Only,” it seems logical to say Sola Scriptura means Only Scripture . . . and nothing else. what about outside sources? I’m... Read more

October 27, 2023

Pulpit Masters and Heterodoxy “Anytime someone can stand in the pulpit and tell you what you can and cannot wear, and what you can and cannot do or you’re going to hell…” I walked into a group of 4 before service Wednesday night. Little did I know we would be discussing doctrine for the next 10 minutes. The First Person said that another had come out of the Apostolic Church. Immediately I asked, “What type of Apostolic? There are all... Read more

October 24, 2023

Rhema | Words of Encouragement Pre-service Sunday night is the time for one thing, coffee and conversation. It never disappoints. So when they were sent off, they came to Antioch; and when they had gathered the multitude together, they delivered the letter. When they had read it, they rejoiced over its encouragement. Acts 15.30-31 encouragement I have written extensively on here; posted a number of series; written pieces in line with the Content Team suggestions; interviewed people; had guest posts, etc.... Read more

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