A Gender Revelation: The Forming Hood Twins

A Gender Revelation: The Forming Hood Twins September 22, 2014


Sonograms are interesting experiences for parents who dare to believe their children are gendered unique in the image of God.  The dichotomy of boy and girl seem trite and misguided when staring at the formation of life.  I refused to allow the technician’s misguided question of “Do you want to know the gender of the twins?” to distract me from the beauty of the moment.  While staring at the screen and listening to the garbled statements of the technician, I echoed and internalized the words of United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson, “It is time that we viewed gender on a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.”  I believe her.  I also believe the uniqueness of gender is the truth of God’s image revealed in each individual.  The two sexual organs that our society calls opposite may mean different lives for my children, but it shouldn’t.


For many years, I have functioned in many ways that are patriarchal and misogynistic.  While much of the blame rests on the society that raised me, a good deal of the blame rests with my selfish choices.  Over the last year, I have been intentional about seeking out a variety of uniquely gendered voices to teach me a better way.  I thank all of my teachers.  I will never be perfect.  Among many other sins, I will always be a recovering sexist and genderist.  Each morning, I will have to wake up and make a choice about how I will choose to treat people of various genders each day.  I have started praying before I go to bed each night that I choose the path of equality and love that God has laid out from the beginning.  Now that I have an awareness of the sexual organs of my developing twins, I will push my self harder and double down on working for a world where all on the spectrum of gender are free to be exactly who God has created them to be in spirit and in truth.


I pray that for the sake of my children and the children of others, you will join me.



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