Prayers from Pride Sunday at Cathedral of Hope

Prayers from Pride Sunday at Cathedral of Hope September 21, 2014

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Today is a day of celebration for liberation.  We are the people of God.  We are the people of liberation.  On this Pride Sunday, let us not forget those whose liberation is not yet complete.  We remember all who still face oppression and marginalization in our world.  Let us pray.


This morning we draw near to you God to pray for those who face sickness and infirmities.  We pray for those who sit in hospital rooms with no one to visit them.  We pray for those who suffer from Ebola and other diseases that are ravaging parts of our world.  We pray for those who are suffering from the sicknesses of racism, classism, sexism, homophobia and all other sorts of isms and phobias that pervert the mind and soul.


We pray for those who have lost people that they love…all of those who are in mourning.  We also pray for the dead this morning.  We pray for those whose hearts are cold and dead to the injustices and sufferings around them.


We pray for the hungry this morning.  We pray for those who inhabit our streets with no homes…for those who are looking for that net meal.


We pray for the thirsty.  We believe that you are the giver of living water.  May we be the purveyors of such.


We pray for the strangers in our midst this morning.  May we welcome them into our lives and hearts.


We pray for the naked this morning.  May we be the ones who clothe them.


We pray for all who sit alone in prison this morning and have no one to visit them.  We pray for their liberation.


Lastly God, we pray for all who are victims of marginalization and oppression.  We pray for those suffering under the weight of injustice.  We pray for those who are the victims of hate.


May all be liberated by your love oh God.


Let us conclude by praying the words that you would have us pray:


Our God who is in heaven,

hallowed by your name.

Your realm come,

your will be done,

on earth, as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us who and what we oppress,

as we forgive our oppressors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


For you are everything always and forever.




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