Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene, My Former Sunday School Teacher

Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene, My Former Sunday School Teacher February 4, 2021

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February 4, 2021

Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene, My Former Sunday School Teacher


Earlier today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green delivered remarks on the floor of congress trying to deflect attention away from all of the crazy shit she has said…before a vote that ultimately stripped her of her committee seats.  One section of her speech particularly stood out…


I believe in God with all my heart and I’m so grateful to be humbled, to be reminded that I’m a sinner and that Jesus died on the cross to forgive me for my sins. And this is something that I absolutely rejoice in today to tell you all and I think it’s important for all of us to remember none of us are perfect, none of us are. And none of us can even come close to earning our way into heaven just by our acts and our works but it’s only through the grace of God. And this is why I will tell you as a member of this Congress, the 117th Congress, I am a passionate, I’m a competitor, I’m a fighter. I will work with you for good things for the people of this country but the things I will not stand for is abortion. I think it’s the worst thing this country has ever committed.


Why this shit is bullshit (or fake religion)…


Why do people constantly make appeals to their belief in something with all of my heart?  Is it not enough to simply believe…or is simple belief not strong enough to convince others that you believe?  Why must we convince anyone of anything?  Why not just believe and let your life speak to those beliefs? The problem with this situation/speaker is the same problem with many others…this speech is about words when actions would have spoken much louder than anything that she could have said. Ultimately, her actions are speaking louder and that is why she feels the need to cover them up with words.

to be humbled, to be reminded that I’m a sinner” is a classic Christian trick.  ie If I convince you that you and I are both pieces of shit…then you have no standing to judge me.  While it is true that we are all sinners, that doesn’t mean that sin is devoid of consequence.  You can’t cleanse yourself with words…  Love is the only power that can cleanse.


Congresswoman Greene is a sinner who keeps on sinning by refusing to see that her words/actions are sinful.  Deflecting is fake spirituality/bullshit.


Modern conceptions of the atonement have led to some very dark places.  “that Jesus died on the cross to forgive me for my sins”  The crucifixion is about grace for the world. The problem with making it so personal/specific is that it quickly leads one to a place of arrogance.  The question is not about individual forgiveness as much as it is about the individual’s place in universal redemption.  To think otherwise, is to think you can get away with saying/doing whatever the hell you want…because you are forgiven.


Congresswoman Greene didn’t apologize to all of the people that she has hurt with her words…because Jesus has already forgiven her of her sins?  This is fake spirituality/bullshit.


none of us are perfect”  In life, perfection is not the standard. Decency is.


Congresswoman Greene has treated people like shit…and expects such actions to be forgotten/looked past because nobody is perfect?  There is nothing spiritual about such bullshit.


While grace abounds, grace abused is grace denied.  “And none of us can even come close to earning our way into heaven just by our acts and our works but it’s only through the grace of God.”  I have met so many people who think they can talk to/treat people however they want because there is…grace.  To those people, let me make something very clear…

Jesus didn’t die so that Congresswoman Greene can say whatever she wants with impunity.  Such thinking is fake religion/bullshit.


but the things I will not stand for is abortion. I think it’s the worst thing this country has ever committed.


And finally… Let me assure you…abortion don’t have a damn thing to do with whether or not Congresswoman Greene should be or is going to be or was punished for treating people like shit.  The mention of abortion should let you know that this was not a confession of sin…this was a charade.


Congresswoman Greene’s textbook fake spirituality/bullshit makes me think that I had her as a Sunday School teacher growing up.




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