apoem: eight-year-old commits suicide

apoem: eight-year-old commits suicide September 14, 2013

eight-year-old commits suicide

those were the words in the newspaper i read

how can someone so young now be dead


the motivation was to leave the bullying behind

how does evil manifest in children so young

they are supposed to be outside playing and having fun


god i am pissed at you again

how could you have let some shit like this go down

and you expect me to wake up and preach about you in this town


i just don’t understand

i cannot comprehend

the gravest of evils happen again and again


wait a second something just came to me

i can remember a time when i was eight

and on one of the other kids i leveled my hate


i can’t believe it

i was a bully

it was because i didn’t know myself fully


no matter the reason there is no excuse

the kids that commit suicide

do so because of abuse

i was the perpetrator once upon a time


when i begin to blame god for such tragedy

perhaps i need to spend some time thinking about my own agency

i am a killer whether I know it or not

i bullied other kids without even a thought


i am to blame you are to blame

the killing is collective

god just simply tries to show us the way through god’s very name



there is no room for silence

we have been made to be love

now create the world we have dream of


may my eight year old friend rest in the arms of love


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