I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD September 18, 2013


In John 8, Jesus saves the life of an adulterous woman by getting down in the dirt between her and the patriarchal Pharisees.  Not long after, people are skeptical of who gives him the authority to do such a thing.  Jesus responds in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world.”


The scriptures consistently point us toward becoming more like Jesus…so what does it mean for us to be able to say in this life, “I am the light of the world?”  What does it mean to be light for the world?


It means realizing that light is love and love is light.


Jesus transcended the dark terms of the oppressors and spoke of light to offer love…by doing such Jesus loved the oppressors.  When we refuse to be defined by the circumstances thrust upon us by the oppressors, we are giving light to the oppressor…we are loving the oppressor.  When we follow the example of Jesus and refuse to be defined by oppressor’s terms and circumstances, we can boldly say to them and everyone else, “I am the light of the world.”


The oppressor don’t create light, we do.


Jesus got down in the dirt with the adulterous woman.  When we get dirty in the pursuit of equality for all people, we are spreading light…we are spreading love.  When we have the courage to stand for justice even at the threat of death, we are able to boldly say, “I am the light of the world.”


The dirtiness of injustice don’t create light, we do.


When we choose to be the unique queer God has called us to be, we are able to love boldly and say, “I am the light of the world.”


The normative constructs of our world don’t create light, we do.


Go and be the light of the world.



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