F*** Your Guns

F*** Your Guns October 2, 2015



To put it bluntly, I’m over the ridiculous arguments against sweeping gun control. Charleston, Newtown, Columbine… People keep dying and cowards keep talking about the need for more guns. Earlier, Christians were forced to identify themselves and shot. Due to our loose gun laws, today Roseburg sounds more like ISIS than the US. Deranged people have unlimited access to guns. Congratulations gun lobby…you just caused another mass shooting. Unless we stand up to those who love guns more than people, we will continue to see these horrific tragedies. Followers of Jesus are called to, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” I don’t believe you can love anyone and keep providing unlimited access to guns that kill their family and friends. There will be those who still argue that they want unlimited and uninhibited access to buy their guns, I know I stand with Jesus when I say, “Fuck Your Guns.”



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