“Home” – Systematic Theology from Death Row – Casey McWhorter & Jeff Hood

“Home” – Systematic Theology from Death Row – Casey McWhorter & Jeff Hood November 2, 2023

“Home” – Systematic Theology from Death Row – Casey McWhorter & Jeff Hood


Liberation is a return to the place where I am from.  I am from Home.  I was created at Home.  I have always existed close to Home.  I shall return Home.  Liberation is about returning to where you always knew you would, Home.  God is Home.


Once you arrive back to that place where you’re from, you’re safe…you can breathe…you’re free…you can simply be.  That’s why it’s called Home.  It’s just right.


There is always love at Home.  If there is not love, then it is not Home.  There is always hope at Home.  If there is no hope, then it is not Home.  There is always grace at Home.  If there is no grace, then it is not Home.  There is always peace at Home.  If there is no peace, then it is not Home.  You see, Home is not a building…it’s a space of deep spiritual awakening and enlightenment.  It’s where all meets all and all is content with all.  It is Home.


God speaks from Home to draw us to Home.  Death does not have to be frightening.  You know where you are going…because you know where you’ve come from.  You are going Home.


Think about all the spaces and places of beauty and love that you’ve experienced here.  Such moments are but a taste of the Home that is to come.  While the preview is sometimes incredible, it is nothing compared to the actual place.  Pictures will never be able to do it justice.  It is the masterpiece that never ends.  You remember.  That’s the place where we are from…Home.


Have you ever caught a glimpse of something that you desperately want to know more about?  It’s as if you are looking through the darkest night and you see one small morsel of light.  You are desperate to know where that light comes from.  It comes from Home.  Follow the light.  It will lead you Home.  God is in the suspicion that there is something behind the light.  Home is in the suspicion that there is something so much more than all that is.  Health is about keeping the suspicion up.  Health is to keep wondering about Home.


Our soul will be homeless until our soul finds home in Home.


In the beginning was Home, Home was with God and Home was God.


We are all going Home.  We know the way.  Home is the way.  Home is liberation.

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