Magic. THE Word of God.

Magic. THE Word of God. March 23, 2018

Royal Tunbridge Wells / Unsplash


In the beginning…


“She just disappeared!”


Memories of something flood my brain. I used to know exactly what it was. I used to believe. I used to see. I long for those days. Where do I go?


“She didn’t disappear.”


There are no memories. Nothing ever happened. It was a mirage. It was fake. I refuse to believe. Knowledge has saved me. I will never return to that bullshit.


“Maybe…she disappeared?”


Something is out there. Actually, it was here and now it’s there. Everything seems hazy. The world is blurred. I can see. I feel. The heart is my guide. Something just happened.


…was the WORD…


I didn’t care anything about going. I resisted. I saw a show. The magician did it all. I couldn’t figure everything out. I tried. I looked closer. I tried. I couldn’t. I opened my eyes wider. I couldn’t. I tried to listen more closely. I couldn’t. I took in the smells. I couldn’t. I got up to touch it all. I couldn’t. The senses failed me. Though I tried, there were some things happening that I just couldn’t understand. Then…”MAGIC!” With the word, the guy just disappeared. I still have no idea what happened…and he never came back.


…the WORD was with God…


Spirituality is magic.


When I put to death the God I could find, I found the God who will never die. Certainty is the murderer of faith. Certainty is not with God…only magic. What good is a God that has to constantly be certain of things? Magic is about never ceasing and always growing. The magic of the mystery guides us all into deeper beauty…it guides us to greater levels of magic. The magic of it all never ceases. The magic is with God.


…and the WORD was God.


God is the great magician. Despite the difficulties of love, God pulls us closer and closer. The mystery woes us. God is ours…the magic is ours…if we will only let go and dream.



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