Max Soffar is Alive and We’re Dead

Max Soffar is Alive and We’re Dead April 24, 2016



In 2014, I put together a letter from an influential group of Baptists asking the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles for clemency for terminally ill death row inmate Max Soffar (included below). There were many questions about his guilt then. There are even more questions now. Unfortunately, Max Soffar died of cancer this evening around 5pm without ever getting the chance to prove his innocence. I know that he’s with God. I’m more worried about us.


Baptists for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

2709 S Lamar Blvd #109, Austin, TX 78704


Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles

Clemency Section

General Counsel’s Office

8610 Shoal Creek Boulevard

Austin, TX 78758


Dear Members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles,

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Jesus spoke these words in the Sermon on the Mount. We would imagine this is probably not the first time that a bunch of preachers have written to you and used such language. Regardless of the frequency of their use, these powerful words from Matthew 5:7 should never become mundane. Jesus directly connects our capacity to show mercy with the mercy that will be shown to us.


We ask that you close your eyes and think with us for a moment. Imagine you have spent 34 years of nights trying to figure out how to prove that you did not commit a crime. Imagine questioning God and humanity day in and day out. Imagine just when you think that your lawyers have found the evidence that will exonerate you and set you free…you are told you are dying of liver cancer and will not live to see your innocence proven. This is the case of Max Soffar #685. This is why we are writing to ask that you open your hearts and extend mercy.


Time is short. We know that you are the only people on the planet who can help Max Stoffar #685 and let him die in peace. We ask you to extend the level of mercy that you would hope to be extended to you. For we never know when we will need the mercy of another.




Baptists for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

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