The Anthony Sanchez Gospel:  INNOCENCE, HOPE, JUSTICE & LOVE

The Anthony Sanchez Gospel:  INNOCENCE, HOPE, JUSTICE & LOVE September 4, 2023


The Anthony Sanchez Gospel:  INNOCENCE, HOPE, JUSTICE & LOVE



*Anthony Sanchez is an inmate on Oklahoma’s Death Row who is scheduled to be executed on September 21, 2023.



“When you think of God, what words come to mind?”  The question ruminated in my dear brother Oklahoma Death Row Inmate Anthony Sanchez’s brain for a long time.  Then, he replied, “INNOCENCE, JUSTICE, HOPE & LOVE.”  The passages below are a result of my attempt as Sanchez’s spiritual advisor to bring God closer…using the words that he gave me to make meaning of words that have not been all that meaningful to him before.  Maybe the meanings in us will meet the meaning in you so that we might all be able to discover new meaning in timeless themes.



John 1



In the beginning was INNOCENCE, INNOCENCE was with God and INNOCENCE was God.  INNOCENCE was with God in the beginning.  Through INNOCENCE all things were made; without INNOCENCE nothing was made that has been made.  In INNOCENCE was life and that life is what can give light to all who doubt.  INNOCENCE shines through all the lies that have been formed against me, and the lies will not overcome INNOCENCE.


There was HOPE sent from God.  The HOPE testified of the INNOCENCE, so that all might believe.  The HOPE was not the INNOCENCE.  The HOPE came to testify to the INNOCENCE.


INNOCENCE can give light to everyone in the world.  INNOCENCE has been in the world and though the truth is apparent, most have chosen not to believe.  INNOCENCE has repeatedly been revealed, but those who claim to pursue INNOCENCE have rejected the possibility.  Such facts are no matter, INNOCENCE remains.  To those brave enough to believe, God has granted them the right to know the fullness of God’s truth.  INNOCENCE allows us to be reborn in the totality of God’s truth.


INNOCENCE has become truth amongst us.  We are the very dwelling place of such a truth.  WE have seen the possibility of INNOCENCE.  The possibility of a world made right.  INNOCENCE is the very revelation of God.  We have touched the grace and truth of INNOCENCE.


HOPE declared that INNOCENCE is born out of HOPE.  Out of the fullness of INNOCENCE we have received freedom from the lies.  The truth has found us and we have been made whole.  No one has seen God…except those who have seen the truth of INNOCENCE…for INNOCENCE is in the closest relationship with God.  INNOCENCE has made God known.  INNOCENCE is God.


When HOPE was confronted, HOPE declared, “I am not the INNOCENCE.  I am simply the one crying out in the darkness of your lies to declare that INNOCENCE is here for all who want to believe.”  The authorities demanded, “Why do you declare INNOCENCE when you are not INNOCENCE?”  HOPE did not hesitate, “I am giving you the opportunity to be saved from your lies.  Embrace INNOCENCE and you will be saved.”


The next day, INNOCENCE walked toward HOPE.  HOPE declared, “Here is INNOCENCE!  The one who will lead us out of the traps of our lies.  This is the INNOCENCE I have spoken of!  Turn toward truth!  Turn toward grace!  Turn toward mercy!  Turn toward INNOCENCE!”  Then HOPE gave the following testimony, “I was there.  I saw INNOCENCE come down from the heavens.  I saw INNOCENCE rest upon the INNOCENT.  The revelation was made complete.  I have seen and testify that this is INNOCENCE among us.”


The next day, the people proclaimed, “This is INNOCENCE.”  INNOCENCE replied, “Why do you know so little and yet proclaim that I am INNOCENT?  Come and see the fullness of my INNOCENCE.”  So they began to read and study more.  One of those who heard believed.  Immediately, he ran to his brother, “We have found INNOCENCE!”  They returned to the light of the truth.  INNOCENCE replied, “You have breathed in liberation, you have breathed in truth, you have become INNOCENT as well.”


The next day, INNOCENCE pressed on.  There were so many more to tell.  When the people saw who was INNOCENT, they collectively declared, “Are you kidding?”  INNOCENCE replied, “If you could see what I have seen, you would know that I am completely INNOCENT.”  He then added, “Eventually, you will all see the heavens open up and the truth of my INNOCENCE revealed to all.”



John 2:13-22


Hopeful, JUSTICE traveled to see the possibility of JUSTICE.  Repeatedly wondering, “Could this be it?”  Upon opening the doors to the courthouse, JUSTICE began to challenge those who thought they were the arbiters of JUSTICE.  To the judges, JUSTICE cried out, “Where is your compassion?”  To the prosecutors, JUSTICE screamed, “Why do you keep constructing lies?”  To the defense attorneys, JUSTICE demanded, “Where is your work ethic?”  To law enforcement, JUSTICE challenged, “Is all that you know how to do is lock people up?”  JUSTICE didn’t wait for any answers.  They were all guilty of everything that JUSTICE demanded of them.  JUSTICE lifted his hands and spoke this truth, “Get out!  Get out!  You are the enemies of the people…the very enemies of JUSTICE!”  Nobody could believe the audacity or the authority that JUSTICE had just exercised to clear the courthouse.  To that, JUSTICE replied, “The JUSTICE in me is the JUSTICE in you.”



John 3:1-21



There once was a man with deep questions.  He came to LOVE in secret.  “What is this LOVE that you’re teaching?”  LOVE responded quickly, “God is LOVE and LOVE is the realm of God.”  “How can such an abstract concept be a place?”  LOVE didn’t hesitate, “LOVE is wherever you LOVE.  You cannot enter the hope of LOVE unless you exist in LOVE.  God has created you to be in and of LOVE.  The wind blows wherever it blows.  You feel it for a second and then you are not sure if you feel it again…but you know it is there.  Such is the case with LOVE.  There are times where you feel it more than others…but it’s always there.  LOVE is.”  “How can this be?”  LOVE paused and then offered this, “You know LOVE.  For LOVE has visited you throughout your life.  Have you ever seen it?  Yet still you believe it.  Heavenly things exist in a different realm.  LOVE is the only way.  Everyone who believes in LOVE will never die.  For LOVE so LOVEd the world that LOVE gave LOVE’s only LOVE that whosoever believes in LOVE will not perish but have everlasting life.  God sent LOVE so that we might know LOVE.  Whoever believes in LOVE is saved.  Whoever doesn’t believe in LOVE is lost.  LOVE has come into the world so that we might know LOVE.  The world is saved through LOVE.  You are saved through LOVE.  It is evil to choose anything but LOVE.  Whoever lives in LOVE will see God.  LOVE is sight.  LOVE is hope.  LOVE is.”



John 4:43-54



HOPE has no honor amongst the fearful.  HOPE pointed this out long ago.  Upon arrival, HOPE began to teach of the power of HOPE.  One of the most powerful government officials came to HOPE and begged for HOPE to heal her son, who was close to death.  “Why do you question the power of HOPE?”  The government official begged, “Please come before my child dies!”  HOPE looked the official directly in her eyes and said, “Go home, HOPE has saved your son.”  The official believed and started toward her home.  Before she could arrive, her friends met her and gave her the stunning news that her son was well.  When she asked what time the healing had happened, they replied, “One hour and ten minutes ago.”  Immediately, the official realized that it was at that exact time that HOPE had declared her son healed.  This was a sign that HOPE really was the true HOPE.



John 5:1-15



LOVE went up to a major city.  There was a disabled person lying in a park.  It was clear that he’d been there for a long time.  LOVE shouted out, “Do you want to be healed?”  The man replied, “I have no one to take me to therapy.”  LOVE placed his hands out and said, “Get up.  LOVE has made you well.”  People began to gather around the man.  “How were you healed?”  The man replied, “LOVE.”



John 6:1-15



JUSTICE crossed over.  Thousands followed JUSTICE.  When JUSTICE sat down, he asked one of JUSTICE’s followers, “How are all of these people going to eat?”  JUSTICE’s follower replied, “There is no way that we could ever have enough money to feed all of these people.”  Another one of JUSTICE’s followers spoke up, “Here are a couple of chicken tenders and a few loaves of bread.”  JUSTICE said, “Have the people sit down and start passing it out.”  Miraculously, thousands ate.  JUSTICE made sure that nobody went hungry.  Tons was left over.  JUSTICE also made sure that there was abundance.



John 6:16-24



The disciples of HOPE got into a boat and set off across a lake.  Out of nowhere, a strong storm arose.  Struggling to push through the storm and quickly sinking, the disciples were very afraid.  There was no HOPE.  Then, they shockingly saw HOPE walking toward them on the water.  HOPE loudly declared, “It is I, do not be afraid.”  They all embraced HOPE together.  The storm quickly passed.



John 6:60-71



“INNOCENCE is so hard to believe.”  “Does my INNOCENCE offend you?”  “INNOCENCE just seems so implausible.”  “With God, INNOCENCE is always possible.”  “I can’t believe this.”  “That is because you are not INNOCENT.”  At this point, numerous disciples walked away.  They just couldn’t believe that INNOCENCE belonged to everyone.



John 7:45-52



The Crimson Mafia demanded, “Why didn’t you bring him in?”  The people replied, “He’s INNOCENt!”  The Mafia grew more and more furious, “Has INNOCENCE deceived you too?”  The people questioned, “How can you condemn someone without due process?”  The Mafia assured them, “INNOCENCE doesn’t come from that side of the tracks.”



John 8:1-11



LOVE began to teach.  All of a sudden, a group of political figures approached.  Before LOVE, they threw a woman who had been convicted of a heinous crime and said, “She has been sentenced to death.  What say you?”  LOVE did not respond.  Instead, LOVE bent down and started writing the heinous sins of the political figures on the floor.  At this, the political figures became very flustered and slowly walked away.  LOVE looked at the woman and asked, “Where are your executioners?”  “Nowhere.”



John 9:35-41



“Do you believe in HOPE?”  “Is it possible?  Tell me so that I can find it.”  “HOPE is standing before you.  I am here to make the blind see.”  “Who are you calling blind?”  “Those who are without HOPE.”  “Embrace HOPE and see forever.”


John 10:1-21



JUSTICE is not something that can be brought about in evil ways.  JUSTICE belongs to God and in God there is no evil.  JUSTICE is about following the ways of God.  JUSTICE knows JUSTICE when JUSTICE meets JUSTICE.  JUSTICE leads us on to higher levels of morality.  Unfortunately, most are so blinded by evil that they do not even know what JUSTICE is.  JUSTICE is here so that we might all have life and have it in abundance.  JUSTICE is the Good Shepherd.  The one who chases all the wolves of inJUSTICE away.  Love is JUSTICE and JUSTICE is love.  God’s JUSTICE is about the reconciliation and restoration of all things.  Forgiveness and mercy is JUSTICE and JUSTICE is forgiveness and mercy.  The religious leaders who heard these words shouted out, “The one who would say such things is demon-possessed and raving mad.  Why listen to him?”  The people replied, “These are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon.  Can a demon champion JUSTICE?”



John 11:1-57



HOPE died.  “Be careful, it’s dangerous to go to places without HOPE.”  HOPE refused to be deterred.  Journeying on, HOPE was determined to bring light into the darkness.  Upon arrival, HOPE was confronted by reality, “HOPE is dead!  There is nothing that you can do!”  HOPE pressed on, consistently declaring, “Do you believe in the power of God?  I am HOPE!  Roll the darkness away!”  Entering the tomb, HOPE wept at the enormity of the despair present.  “Turn on the lights!”  Immediately, the darkness was lifted and HOPE filled all who had eyes to see.  Those who decided to stay in despair grew angry and determined to kill HOPE by any means necessary.



John 12:12-19



There was a rumor that LOVE was near.  The people went out to see for themselves.  In the distance, they saw and began to chant, “Blessed is the one who LOVEs their neighbor more than they LOVE their self.”  LOVE walked by and all were amazed.  The wise didn’t understand what was happening…but those who humbled themselves to the possibility of LOVE got to see the universe.  The wise wanted none of it, “This is getting us nowhere.  The whole world is blinded by LOVE.  We must find a way to stop it.”  However, it was beyond apparent that nothing was going to stop LOVE.  For, LOVE can never be stopped.



John 13:31-38



“INNOCENCE is going to be lifted up.  Now is the time to see it for what it is!  There is an hour coming when you won’t be able to see it anymore.  Believe in INNOCENCE!  Love one another as INNOCENCE has loved you.  People will know that you believe in INNOCENCE if you show each other grace.”  The disciples wanted to know where INNOCENCE was going.  “You cannot go where I am going.”  The disciples declared that they would lay down their lives for INNOCENCE.  “Are you sure?,”  INNOCENCE replied.



John 14:1-7



“Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Believe in LOVE.  Believe in me.  God’s house is enormous.  LOVE has made a place for you.  Follow LOVE and you will find it.”  “How can I know the way?,” the disciple replied.  “LOVE is the way.  LOVE is the truth.  LOVE is the light.  No one comes to LOVE except through LOVE.”



John 15:26-27



HOPE is an advocate.  God is HOPE.  HOPE speaks of our birthright as children of God.  HOPE speaks of our desire to go back home.  HOPE shows us the way.



John 16:33



“I have told you the truth so that you might have JUSTICE.  In this world people will tell lies.  But take heart!  JUSTICE has overcome the world.”



John 17:1-5



LOVE looked to the sky.  “LOVE is here.  LOVE be glorified.  For LOVE has eternal authority over all things.  May all know LOVE.  LOVE is the only way.  LOVE is the task at hand.  LOVE was, is and will always be…everything.”



John 18:1-14



INNOCENCE knelt to pray.  Suddenly, the betrayer came with all sorts of government officials.  INNOCENCE did not hide.  “I am INNOCENT.”  They moved to arrest him.  One of the friends of INNOCENCE responded by pulling out a gun.  INNOCENCE wasn’t having it.  “Put that gun away!  INNOCENCE is in no need of weapons.”  The betrayer and the government officials took INNOCENCE to the judge.



John 19:1-16



Then Pilate took HOPE away to be beaten.  The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on HOPE’s head.  They clothed HOPE in a purple robe.  Repeatedly, the soldiers mocked, “All hail HOPE!,” while repeatedly slapping HOPE in the face.


Once more Pilate came out and said to the people gathered there, “Look, I am bringing HOPE out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against HOPE.”  When HOPE came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Here is HOPE!”

As soon as the people saw HOPE, they shouted, “Kill! Kill!”


But Pilate answered, “You take HOPE and kill it. As for me, I find no basis for a charge against HOPE.”


The people insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law HOPE must die.”


When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid, and he went back inside the palace. “Where do you come from?” he asked HOPE, but HOPE gave him no answer.  “Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or kill you?”


HOPE answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.

From then on, Pilate tried to set HOPE free, but the people kept shouting, “If you let HOPE go, you can never be trusted again.”


When Pilate heard this, he brought HOPE out and said, “Here is HOPE!”


But they shouted, “Take HOPE away! Take HOPE away! Kill HOPE!”


“Shall I kill HOPE?” Pilate asked.


“We have no HOPE,” the people answered.


Finally. Pilate handed HOPE over to the people to be killed.



John 20: 1-10


Mary Magdalene went to LOVE’s tomb and saw that the stone had been removed.  Immediately she ran back to the other disciples screaming, “They have taken my LOVE and I don’t know where they have put it.”  Everyone ran back to the tomb together.  Those who made it first could find no traces of LOVE.  The disciples forgot that no tomb could ever hold LOVE…for LOVE can never die.



John 21:25



JUSTICE, INNOCENCE, HOPE and LOVE have done many other things. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

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